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若你已支付其3蓝的增幅费用,则你抽X张牌。If you paid the 3U kicker cost, you draw X cards.

略微提高魔法增幅力上限值。Slightly increased the upper limit for the Magic Boost stat.

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中国经济在2009年第一季度增幅达到6.1个百分点。The Chinese economy grew by 6.1pc in the first quarter of 2009.

与此相比,从一月至六月增幅28.7%。That compares with a 28.7 percent gain from January through June.

运算放大增幅器能提供较大的电流输出。Higher current can be drawn from the output of an op- amp booster.

增幅法典总的来说适合于如果你想把游戏时间拖长并配合幸运短刀。Tome first generally means you are planning for a long game with Kage's.

该数据显示,三月份美国公司新增162,000个就业岗位,为三年来最大增幅。S. employers added 162,000 jobs in March, the largest gain in three years.

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分析表明,在杭州湾滩浒岛附近海域,因风暴潮增水导致张网作业CPUE平均增幅为9。The results showed that CPUE of stow net fishing was increased average of 9.

另外,美国国内耐用消费品的订单出现了16个月来的最大增幅。In addition durable-goods orders in the country rose by the most in 16 months.

此外还初步分析了城市环境对强降水的增幅作用。Moreover, the amplitude effect of city environment on rainfall also is analyzed.

故低成本高收效的的财政刺激政策,其每一美元的负债增幅带来的GDP增长倍数是3,而非1.5。So bang for the buck — increase in GDP per dollar of added debt — is 3, not 1.5.

预计世界异戊橡胶生产和消费增幅很小。Total world production, and consumption is expected to show only minimal growth.

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此外,在过去十年,水质「良好」的泳滩数目,增幅超过一倍。Moreover, the number of "Good" beaches has more than doubled over the past decade.

若你已支付其2红的增幅费用,则烨焰亦对该生物的操控者造成X点伤害。If you paid the 2R kicker cost, Illuminate deals X damage to that creature's controller.

付费会员一季度增加近5万,至48.2万,增幅创下了纪录。Paying members increased by nearly 50,000 in the first quarter to 482,000, a record rate.

他预计,公司或超越这一增长率,增幅很可能将达到百分之十几.He predicted his company would outperform that rate, with percentage growth likely in the teens.

另外,财政收入没有一定的增幅,保运转也成了问题。In addition, revenue does not necessarily increase security operation has also become a problem.

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表明铺层的不对称性会显著导致环向层间剪应力增大,增幅在0。Analysis results show that asymmetry plies increase the hoop interlaminar shearing stresses by 0.

正因为如此,我们此前大幅度提升了对退伍军人的资助,这是数十年来最大的增幅。That is why we have already made one of the largest increases in funding for veterans in decades.

施拉格说,随着时间的推移,释放出来的海水会使海平面增高,不过增幅不大。The release of seawater from the rock will raise sea levels over time, but not by much, says Schrag.