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同时,对改性酪素的成膜性能、涂饰应用性能进行了研究。The characterizations of film and application in finishing were studied.

介绍了制备无酪素颜料膏的一种新方法。A preparation methods of a novel pigment containing no casein is introduced.

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蛋白类涂饰剂通常为酪素、明胶及其改性产品。Protein finishing agents includes casein, gelatin and their modified products.

本文选用不同的单体及配比对酪素进行了改性。This paper studied the modification of casein by different monomers and ratios.

如果你夜里感觉饿了,喝点酪素蛋白奶昔或泡一碗奶酪。If your feeling hungry late at night have a casein protein shake or a bowl of cottage cheese.

豆酪素是一种大豆蛋白质胶黏剂,在工业上得到广泛的应用。Soybean casein is a kind of soybean protein adhesive, and has a wide range of applications in industry.

单独使用时,发粘,加入阳离子酪素或阳离子助剂配合使用。RK 1502 may make tackiness when it is used solely. It can be used by combined with cationic casein or cationic auxiliaries.

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以中试数据为依据,对豆酪素工业化生产的工艺条件、设备选型进行了探讨。Based on the experimental data, the process conditions and selection of equipment of casein industrialization production were discussed.

介绍一种强耐水贴标胶的制备方法,考察了助分散剂、交联剂、淀粉以及碱等原料对酪素胶性能的影响。In this paper, the preparation technique and properties of high speed casein labeling adhesive with super water resistant were introduced.

同时,对改性酪素的成膜性能、涂饰应用性能进行了研究。The results showed that the characterizations of film were increased by modification, the soft and hard modified casein products were obtained.

本文探讨了皮革涂饰用酪素的化学改性方法以及国内外的研究进展。The chemical modification of Casein used in leather finishing and the development about it in China and other countries are discussed in this paper.

本文论述了酪素的基本性质及其改性方法,交例举一个用乙烯基单体改性酪素的实例。The basic properties and modification methods of casein are introduced in this paper. A modification example using vinyl monomer is also listed here.

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综合三个指标来看,硝化纤维、酪素、丙烯酸树脂和聚氨酯依次显示抗燃性。From three indices synthetically, the nitrocellulose, the casein, the acrylic resin and the polyurethane properly demonstrated resistance to burn in turn.

本文采用乙烯类和丙烯酸酯类单体、阴离子乳化、氧化还原系统引发反应体系对酪素进行接枝改性,以正交试验法优化合成反应条件。In this paper, the grafting modification of casein was carried out by using vinyl and acrylic ester monomers, anionic emulsifier and redox catalyst system.