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这是一件有垫肩的上装。This is a jacket with padded shoulders.

有垫肩对运动员比较安全些。Shoulder pads are safely for the players.

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美国橄榄球运动员戴垫肩以保护双肩。Football and hockey players wear shoulder pads.

那时1984年,罗纳德•里根和垫肩还风靡一时。It's 1984 , Ronald Reagan and Shoulder pads were all the rage.

她那件正颜厉色的肩部衬了垫肩,使肩部看起来很平整。The shoulders of her jacket were padded out to make them look square.

他的外套塞上垫肩看起来平整而方正。The shoulders of his jacket were padded out to make them look square.

她身穿一件带有垫肩的宽松式花饰超短连衣裙,还穿了双平底人字拖鞋。She wore a loose floral mini dress with shoulder straps and flip-flops.

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我真的很喜欢那些有垫肩的外套在哪边有呢?I really like those jackets with the shoulder pads in them. Where are those?

有一种西服的基本版型,叫“英式垫肩西服”。There is a basic version of the suit, called "English-style shoulder pad suit".

当你看到球员互相绞扭时,你就会了解他们为什么要垫肩。When you see the players tackle each other, you understand why they have shoulder pads.

从紧身裤到如橄榄球中后卫一样的大垫肩,80年代风格并没有销声匿迹。From leggings to linebacker shoulders, the 1980s was the style decade that just wouldn't die.

腰身略收,肩部垫肩较薄,翻驳领不太宽。The waist was slightly fitted, shoulders were lightly padded, and lapels were not very broad.

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这是件非常传统地亚洲刺绣但又加入了现代感的单个垫肩的设计。This look works traditional Asian embroidery with a contemporary design in the padded one-sleeve.

同时肩部有些下垂,但因为有薄薄的垫肩,因此显得十分自然。Also shoulder some of the hanging, but because of the thin shoulder pad, so it looks very natural.

由于女人希望改善她们身体轮廓的外观,垫肩——就固定在你的乳罩肩带上——可能适合你。For women hoping to improve the look of their silhouette, shoulder pads—which fasten right to your bra strap—may be for you.

针对人体肩部形态结构的变化以及服装面料的特性,对垫肩的形状进行了修正。According to the changes of shoulder's structure and the characteristics of fabric, the shape of shoulder pads can be corrected.

这位前辣妹成员在米兰的一次外出购物中穿着一件80年代风格的合体黑色皮衣,配着大大的垫肩。The Spice Girl went shopping in Milan on April 7 wearing a form-fitting black leather jacket with '80s-style, angular shoulder pads.

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可调节加垫肩带和填充网状背面板上集成了空气的流通渠道,创造惊人的舒适性和透气。Adjustable padded shoulder straps and padded mesh back panel have integrated air-flow channels, creating amazing comfort and breathability.

我入手了一些八十年代的有垫肩的连衣裙和大衣,可能那些衣服通常人们都很不喜欢,就算这些垫肩被赋予了时尚潮流元素,你可能还是不会接受。I've got eye-watering dresses and coats from the Eighties with shoulder pads that, even given the current trend, you couldn't get away with.

这么多年以来,“伊莲”一直被视为是“落伍”的代名词——穿着长长的碎花裙、带垫肩的马甲以及奶奶那个时代的皮鞋配短袜。Over the years, Elaine has stood out as a beacon of a faded era, in long floral skirts, blazers with padded shoulders and granny shoes with socks.