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事态严重。The situation is serious.

事态平复。The situation has quieted.

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所以我明白了事态严重。So I knew then that it was serious.

上述自辩写于1909年,后来,事态发生了变化。The above apologia was written in 1909.

奥德耶诺将军赞扬了这一事态进展。General Odierno praised the development.

先生,企图使事态减轻是徒劳无功的。It is in vain, sir, extenuate the matter.

事态发展迅速为她所始料不及。She was overtaken by the speed of events.

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紧急事态!蓝染、在进化!Emergency Situation! Aizen, New Evolution!

谴责只会让事态变得更加尖锐。Denunciations will only grow more strident.

试图低估事态的严重性是枉然的。It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter.

丈夫怎么去看,What’,事态会如何发展等。s he going to see, how things are going to go.

这坏消息更加重我们对事态的忧虑。The bad news made us more anxious for the matter.

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冰儿初时不知事态严重,也就听从了。Ice at things dont know serious, also listened to.

随着事态的发展,对这两个问题的回答是不。As things stand, the answer to both questions is no.

多读关于过去事态的文章。Do more reading about the materials of" Past forms".

17个月过去了,事态只是越变越遭。Seventeen months later, things have only gotten worse.

“大人没感到事态严重,”他说。"Adults are not taking this very seriously, " he said.

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那个事件使他们意识到事态严重。The incident woke them to the gravity of the situation.

三小事态滋长了新衰落主义。Three developments haudio-videoe fed the new declinism.

当你的律师也与你翻脸的时候,事态一定很严重。WHEN your own lawyers turn on you, things must be serious.