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电力趋势。Power trending.

怎样么会是趋势呢?How is this a trend?

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缺陷的时间趋势。Time trend of defects.

徐也认同这一趋势。Hsu sees the same trend.

并购狂潮紧追绿色趋势。Merger mania grips green.

中国能否降压这种趋势?Can China buck this trend?

我需要找出一个总体趋势。I need to look for trends.

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用于展示变化趋势。Used to demonstrate trends.

这一趋势有什么影响呢?What was the effect of this?

企业推动软件移动化趋势Enterprise Drives Mobile Growth

开始也在呈下降趋势。Stratis is also in a downtrend.

这个趋势已激发关注。This trend is sparking concern.

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品味、时间、趋势和天份Taste, time, trends ? and talent

趋势不能买食品杂货。Trends do not buy the groceries.

权将其理解成一种流行趋势的图解吧。Consider it a diagram of a trend.

发展趋势清晰而险恶。The trends are clear and ominous.

这或许是趋势的一部分。This is probably part of a trend.

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这个趋势警醒了非科技类公司。This trend alarms non-tech firms.

你知道,在网页设计的趋势。You know the trends in webdesign.

两种趋势都在鄂尔多斯显而易见。Both trends are apparent at Ordos.