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悖论不断深入。The paradox goes deeper.

我们步行深入林中。We walked far into the woods.

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我希望再深入探讨。And I would like to go further.

每一次呼吸,我都更深入你。Every breath I'm deeper into U.

他经常深入群众。He often went among the masses.

第八海豹突击队。深入敌后。Seal. Team. Eight. Behind. Enemy.

深入呼吸着没有雾霾的空起。Deep breathing the air of no haze.

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这只是意谓深入空性。It just means deep into Kong Xing.

领导要深入群众。Leaders should go among the masses.

在这里我可以深入探讨一些细节。I can go into some more detail here.

让我们深入探讨一下如何做到这一点。Let’s look more into how to do that.

中国的深入城镇化。Ever-deepening urbanization in China.

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但这里我可以给你提供一些深入的见解。But I can give you a few insights here.

了解基里洛夫本人有助于我们深入理解这个问题。Kirilov himself helps us to understand.

殖民者更深入地向内地发展。The colonists developed further inland.

根系向下生长深入土里。The roots grew down firmly in the soil.

这个问题值得深入研讨。This is a problem worths probing in to.

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陈燕喆并非一位深入调查的记走。Chen is not an investigative journalist.

他深入地研究了苏格兰历史。He has studied Scotish history in depth.

只有出自内心,才能深入内心。Only from the heart, can go deep inside.