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用现金支付。Pay with cash.

在网上支付账单。Pay bills online.

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无需支付场地费!No lot fees to pay!

如何开通网上支付?How to open e-payment?

通过“首先支付自己”。By paying herself first.

谁来为本地新闻支付费用?Who pays for local news?

你们需要现金支付吗?Do you want cash payment?

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在中信银行支付签证费。Pay visa fee at CITIC bank.

用银行帐户支付。Pay with your bank account.

朗巴德支付了大部分房款。Lombard paid for most of it.

其余的要支付给杨博士学费。The rest are paid for by Dr.

你是什么样的支付小费者呢?What kind of tipper are you?

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您可以使用您的支付宝对订单进行支付。So you can use Alipay to pay.

我可以用旅行支票支付吗?Can I pay by traveler’s check?

本人只支付十佳完成。I pay on top10 completion only.

请返回尝试重新支付!Please Return To Try To Re-Pay!

我可以延期支付申请费吗?。Can I defer the application fee?

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广告费用必需预先支付。All advertising must be pre-paid.

请问您用现金还是信用卡支付吗?Are you paying by cash or credit?

根据下载和注册量而支付工资。It pays per download and sign-up.