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建议进行类毒素强化注射。Toxoid booster injections are recommended.

脂质体对A型肉毒类毒素也有类似的强免疫佐剂作用。Moreover, the adjuvant effect could be compared with that of BSA-FCA.

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使用抗生素和破伤风类毒素,以及坏死组织的清创术治疗开放伤口Treat open wounds with antibiotics, tetanus toxoid, and debridement of necrotic tissue

最后评价了载破伤风类毒素微球的免疫效果。Finally the immunogenicity of tetanus toxoid encapsulated in the microspheres was evaluated.

因此,有针对地选用类毒素预防接种,才能防止本病流行。Therefore, using toxoid to make preventive inoculation can avoid spread of this infectious disease.

排毒可以清除我们身体吸收的各类毒素,清除毒素有利于我们恢复身体健康。Detoxing gives your body a break from all the toxins we put into it, cleansing it and helping it to recover.

通常而言,通过排泄系统或皮肤来解除大多数这类毒素,是最为容易的。Generally it is easiest to detoxify most of such toxins through either the waste management systems or the skin.

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本文提供了用三种效力试验方法检定吸附精制破伤风类毒素的结果。This article presents the results of standardization of adsorbed purified tetanus toxoid by 3 potency test methods.

这种改良的类毒素在1940年代与破伤风以及百日咳结合之后开始广泛使用。Widespread use of this modified toxoid began in the 1940s when it was combined with the tetanus and pertussis vaccines.

在7种对氧磷人工抗原中,对氧磷-破伤风类毒素的免疫效果最好。Among the 7 artificial paraoxon antigens studied, we found that paraoxon-tetanus toxoid has the best immunologic effect.

破伤风是由破伤风毒素引起的一种严重的痉挛性疾病,有效的预防方法是接种破伤风类毒素疫苗。Tetanus is a severe spastic disease caused by tetanus toxin, which can be prevented by immunization with tetanus toxoid.

是一种小分子量的多肽类毒素,它能阻断脊椎动物的神经肌肉接头传递。Huwentoxin-I is a low molecular weight peptide toxin which blocks the transmission of neuromuscular junction of vertebrates.

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本项目对水产养殖危害严重的致病菌嗜水气单胞菌气溶素类毒素基因流行病学的理论和应用进行了较为全面的研究。The study is focused on the molecular epidemiology of Aeromonas hydrophila Aerolysin-like toxin gene and its application in aquiculture.

微囊藻毒素是富营养化淡水水体中最常见的藻类毒素,它是一类具有多种异构体的环状多肽物质。Microcystins, a common algal to xinineutrophicated freshwater body, is a group of monocyclic heptapeptides with many different isomerides.

对这类毒素的定量检测有一定的困难,检测的结果往往在不同的实验中检测出不同的结果,有时也会受数量顺序的影响。Quantitative analysis of these toxins is difficult, with analytical results prone to vary between laboratories, sometimes by orders of magnitude.

你可以说,这类毒素,伴随相关冰世纪,导致了此后地球上所有生灵的一个主要意识下降。One could say that such poisons along with the associated ice age caused a major fall in consciousness for all sentient species upon Earth thereafter.

类毒素经过处理后已消除其毒素特性的一种物质,但仍保留有激发产生抗毒素的能力,用于免疫中。A substance that HAS been treated to destroy its toxic properties but retains the capacity to stimulate production of antitoxins, used in immunization.

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公认的微胱氨酸类毒素对人及水生动物具有潜在危害,这次它只是个观众。The effect is not caused by microcystin toxins, long recognized as potentially harmful to humans and aquatic animals, but as yet unidentified substances.

这类毒素并不冷却身体或冻结能量运动而致使它溃烂,而是将系统加热到过高而导致分子燃烧。Such poison does not cool the body or freeze energetic movement causing it to rot, but rather heats up the system too much causing the molecules to combust.

上臂皮内接种卡介苗后四周内不能在同臂接种白喉类毒素或吸附百白破疫苗。Within 4 weeks after BCG is inoculated on the upper arm, diphtheria anatoxin or absorption diphtheria-pertussis vaccine should not be inoculated on the same arm.