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目的建立口炎清片绿原酸含量测定的方法。Objective A method was established for the assay of Chlorogenic acid in Kouyanqing tablets.

本文采用锌盐新剂型——葡萄糖酸锌治疗复发性阿弗它口炎。The new type of zinc salt---zinc gluconate was used to treat patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis.

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本文就国内外近年来水泡性口炎病毒的鉴别诊断技术进行了概述。The diagnosis and detection methods for Vesicular Stomatitis Virus in recent years are generally reviewed.

结论康复新液局部治疗婴幼儿疱疹性龈口炎安全、有效。ConclusionKangfuxin solution is safe and effective on the local treatment for infantile herpetic stomatitis.

很多研究显示,白色假丝酵母菌和义齿性口炎发病有密切联系。Studies have showed that there is a close relationship between Saccharomyces albicans and denture stomatitis.

结论该方法准确可靠,可用于口炎清颗粒的质量控制。Conclusion The method is simple, stable and accurate, so it can be used to control the quality of Kouyanqing granules.

我们报告了3级治疗相关性鼻窦炎、肺炎、病毒性支气管炎、牙齿感染、口炎和白细胞减少的单纯病例。Single cases of grade 3 treatment-related sinusitis, pneumonia, viral bronchitis, tooth infection, stomatitis, and leukopenia were reported.

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目的建立口炎清颗粒中绿原酸的含量测定方法及考察其稳定性。Objective To establish a HPLC method for determination of chlorogenic acid in Kouyanqing Granule, and to test its stability within the storage.

感染、手术、某些药物、酗酒以及诸如口炎性腹泻和克罗恩病此类的消化功能紊乱都可能引起消化不良。Malabsorption can be caused by infection, surgery, certain drugs, heavy alcohol use, and digestive disorders such as celiac sprue and Crohn's disease.

过多的分泌物也同时助长了其他有害细菌的滋长,甚至是龟龟面对“坏死性口炎”的威胁。The presence of excess mucus also encourages bacterial growth, and hence places the tortoise in additional danger from diseases such as necrotic stomatitis.

目的从调整口腔菌群平衡的角度出发,观察乳杆菌DM9811代谢产物脂肪酸组分对义齿性口炎患者口腔菌群的影响。Objective In light of microecological balance of oral flora, we observed the effects on oral flora with the fatty acid cents of Lactobacillus DM9811 culture.

结果吻合口炎与吻合口溃疡是近端和远端胃大部切除术后常见的并发症,发生情况在两组间无差别。Results Inflammation or ulcer of stoma were common complications of proximal and distal gastrectomy, but no difference were found between the occurrence of them.

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本文从病原及其分子生物学特点、分布与生态学以及致病机理三个方面对水泡性口炎的研究进展进行综述。This article sums up the research progress of vesicular stomatitis from pathogen and its molecular biology features, distribution, ecology and disease mechanism.

中国境内从未发生过痒病、牛海绵状脑病、非洲马瘟、非洲猪瘟、水泡性口炎、结节性皮炎、裂谷热。There have never been Scrapie, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, African horse sickness, African swine fever, Vesicular stomatitis, Lumpy skin disease and Rift Valley fever in China.

结果纯钛支架义齿比钴铬合金支架义齿就位顺利、调改少、患者满意度高,并且义齿性口炎的发生率低。Compare the differences of the try-in, adjustment, denture stomatitis and patient's satisfaction between the pure titanium frame removable dentures and Co-Cr alloy frame removable dentures.