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本文经许可转载。Reprinted by permission.

书必须得到许可才可以出版。Books now have to be licensed.

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嗯……也许可帮我先容一下?Well, you can hook me up maybe?

绝不许可有长而柔滑的毛。Must NEVER have a long, soft coat.

只有日本拥有这一项特别许可。Only Japan holds a special permit.

我们也特别喜欢它的BSD许可。We particular like the BSD license.

我们得到的许可是再多的14个名额。We have permission to study 14 more.

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出现特性的许可协议。The license for your feature appears.

可接受或拒绝许可。Either accept or decline the licenses.

软件的开源许可是什么意思?What does the open source licence mean?

关于行政许可的性质。On the Nature of Administrative License.

但当然,先要征求对方的许可。But, of course, ask for permission first.

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如果健康许可的话,我六月份来。I will come in June if my health permits.

得到PMI的许可在这里进行了再版。Reproduced here by permission of the PMI.

时间许可,我们就去看完黄叔叔。Time permitting, we'll visit uncle Huang.

我就搞不懂了,你是在请求我许可还是怎样?I don’t get it. Are you asking permission?

未经许可﹐不得转载!No Reposting elsewhere without permission!

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可能需要注册或许可。Registration or licensing mey be required.

我们还提供两种商业许可。We offer two types of commercial licenses.

原作者或其许可方所有。PEOPLE , its original authors or licensors.