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我们是长期的挚友。We are long-time friends.

我会接受所有我能得到的“终身挚友”。I’ll take all the New BFFs I can get.

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艺术和真实曾是一对挚友。Art and truth used to be fast friends.

在亚洲,纱笼是旅徒的挚友!In Asia, sarongs are a traveler's best friend!

昨日的挚友,今日的恋人,永远的知己?Friends Yesterday, Lovers Today, Soulmates Forever.

他的挚友,朱雀,成为了他的敌人。His best friend who called Suzaku became his enemy.

她的挚友,凯瑟琳·麦考密克也随后辞世,享年92岁。Her angel, Katharine McCormick, would die next at 92.

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我们再次听到了我们的挚友普兰塔莫教授的声音。We have heard from our ally, Prof. Plantamour, again.

他所言极是,但我始终觉得我失去了一位挚友。He was right, but I still felt as if I'd lost a friend.

我的挚友我最好的朋友是我的同学李艳。My best Friend Li Yan, my best friend, is my classmate.

我也愿同爱妻、挚友结伴而行。I also love to travel with my wife and with other friends.

友谊来去匆匆,挚友与世长存。Friendships come and go but friends in deed remain forever.

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因此,我的挚友们,让我向你们所有人祝贺。So, my good friends, let me say congratulations to all of you.

谢谢你,我忠实的信友和挚友。Thank you for being a faithful correspondent and a good friend.

因此,向往幸福的人需要品格高尚的挚友。The man who is to be happy will therefore need virtuous friends.

我之前有位挚友,她是个专业的临床医学家。I had a best friend for a while who was a professional therapist.

盖斯凯尔夫人成了她的挚友,两人过往甚密。Mrs. Gaskell has become her close friends, both close in the past.

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你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与日俱增。You're a wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every day.

其实是因为我有一位挚友名为「米妮」,我总不能将刚到的这位小朋友也叫「米妮」吧!I have a close personal friend named Minnie, I can't call her that!

她是丹最爱的偶像,珍视的红颜知己和挚友。She was Dan's favorite model, cherished confidante and dearest friend.