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没有为之厮杀或死亡。Nothing to kill or die for.

两军厮杀,难解难分。The two opposing armies are locked in battle.

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电视和数码相机业务还处于厮杀中。Its TV and digital camera units are struggling.

然而,珊瑚礁也是自然界厮杀的战场。Coral reefs, however, are also natural battlefields.

参选者们在一连串的辩论中猛烈厮杀。The candidates slugged it out in a series of debates.

两队今天中午将在古迪逊展开激烈厮杀。And the pair lock horns at Goodison at lunchtime today.

军人们会面对面捉对厮杀。Soldiers would come face to face with one another to fight.

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步行波兰贵族骑兵热衷步战厮杀,使用标枪作战。Dismounted, they make solid infantry armed with light spears.

欧斯特曼剑士可溯源于维京战士,使用长剑盾牌进行厮杀。Soldiers of Viking origin competent in the use of sword and shield.

就这样,吕布以他精湛的箭法平息了一场厮杀。With his excellent archery, Lü averted a fight between the two sides.

这些弓箭兵装备盔甲,挥舞复合弓和战斧踏入战场奋勇厮杀。These bowmen are protected by armour and wield a composite bow and an axe.

厮杀结果,打败的一方免不了会弃盔丢甲,飞奔逃命。The party defeated the helmet of rejected will inevitably, flying for lost.

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引起姐妹之间这场厮杀的保密处长叶公瑾又何去何从?Cause this battle between sisters confidential director leaves GongJin again?

这些爱尔兰骑兵随时愿意为金钱效命厮杀。These Irish squires are prepared to work for the master who can pay them best.

他们也以同样的精力相互厮杀,割断对手的喉咙。They cut down the forests and they cut each other's throats with equal energy.

对他来说,学会像狼一样厮杀易如反掌,因为这是与他血脉相通的本性。It was easy for him to learn to fight like a wolf, because it was in his blood.

尽管贝督因骑兵突袭技艺高超,但不适合长时间肉搏厮杀。Although good for skirmishing, these warriors are not suited to prolonged melees.

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这些贵族部队虽然骑马行军,但极为热衷步战厮杀。As nobles, these men would of course ride to battle, but many would fight dismounted.

这些强悍矛兵通常骑乘骆驼进行厮杀,但必要时亦可步行作战。These hardy spearmen are used to riding camels but will fight on foot when necessary.

这些挥舞狼牙棒的杀戮机器装备全钢板甲,极为热衷步战厮杀。These mace wielding fighting machines wear plate armour, but prefer to fight on foot.