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这个老人孑然一身无人照管。The old man lives alone in neglect.

伯莎孑然一身散步的道路是通向海边的。Bertha's solitary walk was to the sea.

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无依无靠者的朋友啊!我已孑然一身!Friend of the friendless! I am friendless.

虽然我孑然一身,除了孤单我能感受到一切。Though I am alone, I feel anything but lonely.

妻子去世后,他在这世上就孑然一身。After his wife's death,he was alone in the world.

有问题的青少年往往「孑然一身,」他说。Teens who get into trouble are "drifting, " he says.

孑然一身并不意味事情就要糟糕成这个样子。Being single is not worth letting things get this bad.

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啊,如果我孑然一身,谁也不爱我,我永远也不爱任何人,那该多好!Oh, if I were alone and no one loved me and I had never loved anyone!

我以为孑然一身便无忧无扰,直到我遇见了你。I thought I'd stay single and always be free. But that was before I met you.

答案之一是地球的确是茫茫宇宙中唯一的生命家园,人类孑然一身。One answer is that our Earth really is unique in this vast universe and we are alone.

孑然一身的他就这样选择了做一名守护战士,生命从此不在漂泊。He lives of so chose to become a guardian of the soldiers, life henceforth not drifter.

纵使孑然一身,也比嫁一个你根本不爱的男人强。Better to be a lonely woman all your life than to marry a man whom you have never loved.

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在鹿特丹,他的妻子去世了,朗费罗孑然一身来到剑桥,在那儿担任了教授。In Rotterdam, his wife died, and Longfellow came alone to Cambridge and the new professorship.

手握铁鎚跟铲子,我们不再是孑然一身。我们有敌对之物,可以让我们完成。Hammer or trowel in hand, we no longer stand alone—we have an adversary, something to accomplish.

他们发现饲养宠物的人比那些孑然一身的人经常更易于接近和与人沟通。They found people with pets were approached more often for conversation than when they were alone.

没有后悔,因我孑然一身没什么可失去。曾经漂泊流浪,所以我依我的方式生存下去,直到我倒下!No regret cause I've got nothing to lose Ever stray So I'm gonna live my life as I choose Until I fall!

他沉思了一会儿,又说道,“人们都在谈论2008年的那件事,而我,一个津巴布韦人,在此地孑然一身。He stares a bit and says, “People talk about what happened in 2008, and me, I’m a Zimbabwean. I’m alone here.

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在同一个节日里,有人邀请我到一所本地的医院探望一位垂死的病人,因为他也是孑然一身的。During that same season I was asked to call on someone who was dying in a local hospital, because he too had no one.

我想象未来的自己,而一个孑然一身的老男人不太像是件好事情。I looked at myself in the future, and being a single, older man without kids didn't seem like a desirable place to be.

马吕斯把自己还没有想到要告诉他的种种全和他谈了,说他在这世界上可说是孑然一身,无亲无故。Marius then told him what it had not before occurred to him to relate, that he was the same as alone in the world, and had no relatives.