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噢大祸临头了这下可有生路?Oh, calamity , is there no way out?

最终,放小女孩们一条生路的话,玩家会得到奖励。Players are rewarded, ultimately, by letting them live.

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然而下手时,俊五的善良让他放了泰浩一条生路。However, start, Jun five kind of let him put Tai Hao way.

为了我的主人,我不会放你一条生路的。But I cannot let you live , for I serve my master, Mundus.

费利克斯恳求主人放他一条生路,可主人对他的请求置之不理。Felix pleaded for his life, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

主人莫可奈何,只好放了奴隶和狮子一条生路。The master could do nothing but set both the slave and the lion free.

对胚胎发育期间形成的器官来说,部分细胞必须自绝生路。For organs to form during embryonic development, some cells must commit suicide.

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特别是赋予作用者在某种环境自寻生路的能力。In particular, agents were given the ability to find their way around an environment.

或许本拉登的命运会警示某些未来的恐怖分子考虑其他生路。Perhaps bin Laden's fate will cause some would-be terrorists to consider another career.

邻居们都说他的声音和样子就像那些落网的麻雀在企求生路一样…His neighbors said he looked and sounded just like a trapped sparrow begging for its life.

莎克·蒂向利莎展示了她的决心与力量,决定放利莎一条生路。Demonstrating the strength of her Jedi resolve, she chose to spare Lyshaa for the betrayal.

请给中国出版工业留点空间,给这些写作者们一条生路吧。Please leave some room for the Chinese publishing industry and its authors to earn a living.

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他们受雇于水井钻探承包商和政府,或也可能自营生路。They are employed by water well drilling contractors and governments, or they may be self-employed.

而我母亲跪在多米尼加大使馆的前面用她蹩脚的西班牙语乞求放自己一条生路。She found herself on her knees in front of the Dominican embassy begging for her life in broken Spanish.

难民营领导人担心,缺乏食物和工作只会促使更多的人加入到武装团体中来,以谋求生路。Camp leaders worry that lack of food and jobs may only push more men to join arm groups as a way to survive.

既然这样,何不坚决一点,宽容一点,放爱一条生路,给彼此一片自由的天空!If so, why not determined that the tolerance point, let love a way out, give each other a freedom of the sky!

这个数字可能并不如你所想,仅这一个数字就可能使你震惊到考虑其他的生路。It’s not nearly what you might think, and that alone might shock you into considering some different avenues.

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往往是通过科技和决心这两者的结合,才得以勉强闯出一条生路。Those that have managed to survive- sometimes just barely- have done so with a mix of technology and determination.

任何类型的剩余收益计划可能是好的,因为你是射击这个被窃的收入,这是一条生路。Any type of residual income program could be good because you are shooting for that walkaway income and this is a way to do.

美国的主要投资银行合并、破产或者以转变成新的银行控股公司的方式向美联储寻求生路。The major U.S. investment banks merged, failed, or sought a life-line from the Federal Reserve as newly converted bank holding companies.