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富人足食,穷人多子…Rich man feed, poor man breed.

我漏看了这步能吃掉多子的威胁着法。I overlooked this threat to capture so many pieces.

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古人因葫芦形似而又多子,以此为男性生殖器的象征。The Ancients viewed the calabash as the symbol of the male genitals.

他使不能生育的妇人安居家中,为多子的乐母。He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children.

闰想得也就是多子多福,发财兴旺。The run thinks is also many son many happiness , become rich prosperous.

往新婚夫妇身上抛洒大米在传统上是祝愿他们多子多福的一种习俗。Throwing rice at newlyweds was traditionally a way to wish them many children.

他使不能生育的妇人安居家中,为多子的乐母。He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children.

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提出了多子域边界元方法及程序设计,并用于外包软垫层的坝内钢管应力分析。A multi-region technique for the boundary element method is proposed in this paper.

使那不孕的妇女坐镇家中,成为多子的母亲,快乐无穷。He gives a home to the barren woman, and makes her a joyful mother. Praise the Lord!

他使不能生育的妇人安居家中,为多子的乐母。你们要赞美耶和华。He grants the barren woman a home, Like a joyful mother of children. Praise the LORD!

2提供了13种图表类型以及很多子类型的组合。Thirteen primary chart types and many combinations of sub-types are available with BIRT 2.2.

“六月红”早熟芋是永定县特有的多子芋品种。The early-maturing eddo "June Red" is a specific dasheen species with numerous cormels in Yongding county.

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图片上的女孩来自亚利桑那州白山阿帕契部落,她正在接受祝福,在头上撒满花粉,预示着多子多福。Here, a girl from the White Mountain Apache tribe in Arizona is blessed with pollen, symbolizing fertility.

此类兴象多取于桃、苡、花椒、兰、枣、瓜等早实多子植物和鱼、螽斯等多子动物。These images cover such plants and animals as peaches, Chinese prickly ashes, melons, fishes, worms and so on.

提出用基于K-L变换的多子空间模式识别方法解决旋转机械的多类故障诊断问题。The K-L subspace method of pattern recognition is introduced to solve the fault diagnosis of rotating machinery.

近几年发展起来的多子带小波,更使小波图像融合进入了一个新的领域。With the development of the M-band wavelet in recent years, image fusion based on wavelet has come into a new area.

很多国家的婴儿死亡率仍很高,不少家庭想生养更多子嗣也是能理解的。And child mortality rates in many countries are so high that it is understandable families would want to have more offspring.

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对于非常复杂的查询,例如带有很多子查询或连接的查询,重写阶段尤其重要。The rewrite phase is particularly important for queries that are very complex, such as queries with many subqueries or joins.

与蚁群算法独立搜索比较,分散、递阶蚁群算法能更有效地实现多子图之间的关联。Compared with the single ant colony algorithm, it can more effectively solve the correlation problem among multiple subgraphs.

右幅石榴寓意“多子多福”,左幅蟠桃寓意“长寿”,象征兴旺长寿之意。Peaches on the left scroll symbolize longevity while pomegranates on the right imply fertility and fortune in Chinese tradition.