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你会拉伤或过度用力吗?Can you strain or over exert?

他用力向上推那个箱子。He pushed hard up on the box.

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男孩在用力嚼苹果。The boy is munching an apple.

他们一直用力地拔,却一点也拔不动。But they could not pull it up.

他用力搬开了那块石头。He moved the stone with force.

他用力拉那扇卡住的窗子。He tugged at the jammed window.

我们慢慢地用力攀上悬崖。We slowly muscled up the cliff.

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他用力举起一座沉重的石狮子。He lifted at a heavy stone lion.

用力拉住我的手,我把你拉上来。Heave at my hand, I lift you up.

他找来一块石头,用力砸破水缸。He found a rock and broke the vat.

上台阶的时候无需用力进行,以保护你的膝盖不要受伤。Step gently to protect your knees.

蝙蝠纳特用力拍小昆虫马特。The bat Nat swat at the gnat Matt.

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于是我用力地去擦拭....Then I exert oneself to polish....

用力过猛会把钥匙扭弯。Too much force will twist the key.

他用力撕包裹的封皮。He tore at the cover of the parcel.

我们用力拖小船,把它拖到了沙滩上。We hauled on the boat up the beach.

他用力拉着卡车的两边。He heaved at the sides of the lorry.

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他用力把球击入左外野。He whacked the ball into left field.

男孩用力拉着妈妈的手。The boy tugged at his mother's hand.

马用力拉着重载。The horse was dragging a heavy load.