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第三章论述先秦兵书所体现的管理学思想。On the third hand the war had enough dialectic thought.

我常常抽空阅读兵书,从中得到了不少好处。Even I find time to read books on the art of war, and they've benefited me greatly.

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我常常抽空阅读兵书,从中得到了不少好处。Even I often find time to read books on the art of war and gain much benefit from them.

这些词语散见于各种文献,尤以兵书为主。Military lexis are scattered throughout all kinds of literature, particularly in military works.

其师为之所动,遂授兵书三卷,并予以指点,终使张良能成大业。The division by the move, and grant three volumes, and to guide, so that Zhang Liang can end the big industry.

赵括到前线后,只是依照兵书,就放弃了廉颇的军事计划。When he arrived at the front, Zhao Kuo deserted his predecessor's military plan only on the basis of military documents.

兵家著作既是兵书和政书,又是管理哲学书,包含了丰富的管理学思想。Works of military strategists are books on military science and politics as well as management philosophy, which contain rich management thoughts.

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我国古代军事学家对军队给水卫生非常重视,历代兵书中多谈到水源的选择与保护。Ancient militarists paid extraordinary attention to hygiene of water supply in the army. Most military works mention about selection and protection of water sources.

中国古代八大兵书是中国历代兵家计谋的总结和军事谋略学的宝贵遗产。This canon collects all stratagems of military strategist in ancient China and the precious essence of military strategy. The art of war is of vital importance to the State.

后来王莽兵败,三位使者感到没有提示王莽及时研读兵书,未尽到责任,于是变成三猩,仰天长叹。Wang Mang lost the battle afterwards. The angles felt that they did not fulfil their responsibility, so they turned into three orangutans, threw up their head and sighed deeply.

而在引用材料方面,以兵书与史书为主,以通俗文献为辅,而兵书又以明代的为主。As for the material for quoting, we mainly chose military works, particularly in Ming Dynasty, and historical records, and subordinately chose popular literature as a supplement.