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而天赋只是成功的远房外甥。Talent is merely success’s distant cousin.

亚瑟·韦斯莱是布莱克家族的第二代远房表兄。Arthur Weasley is a second cousin once removed.

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他们便坐下来,同一个远房表亲一起用饭。They sat down to meat with a distant cousin of the house.

除了一个远房堂兄,我是家里第一个考上大学的人。Except for a cousin, I was the first in my family to go to college.

她说,我是法兰西皇后的远远远房表亲。She says, I am the great great grand cousin of the queen of France.

举例来说,一对兄弟或姐妹比远房堂兄弟姊妹共享的基因多。A brother and sister, for example, share many more genes than distantly related cousins.

罗达是他的一个远房表妹,她靠用昂贵的材料做帽子为生。Rhoda was a distant cousin, who made a living by creating hats out of expensive material.

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其中包括一人吃他已死的狗、以及远房堂兄妹进行协商一致的性行为。These included a man eating his already-dead dog, and second cousins engaging in consensual sex.

这中间就有范博文和荪甫的远房族弟吴芝生,社会学系的大学生。Among them were Fan Po-wen and Wu Chih-sheng, a sociology student and distant relative of Wu Sun. fu.

我的一个远房的曾祖父曾经在苏格兰高地警卫团服役,那是一个英国军队中的传奇性苏格兰军团,在新大陆打仗。A distant great-grandfather served in the Black Watch, a storied Scottish regiment of the British Army that fought in the New World.

又一部经典之作。该书描述的是一个印度的女孤,最后和远房的叔叔一起生活在英国一个大的旧庄园里的故事。Another classic, this one about a little girl who is orphaned in India and ends up living with an estranged uncle in a big old manor in England.

就像它们的远房表亲,那些傲慢的小说家一样,许多相机迷回避了数码的便利,他们更喜欢舒服的暗室和芳香的成像液。Like their distant cousins the snooty novelists, many camera buffs eschew digital for the comfort of darkrooms and the aroma of developer fluid.

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不过最为愤怒的攻击还是来自老罗斯福的远房侄子,即富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福,他是在美国历史上最严重的金融危机期间入主白宫的。But the angriest attacks came from Roosevelt’s distant cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who took office amid the worst financial crisis in American history.

那些毕业生变得像我的远房表亲——我知道他们昵称,他们喜欢的运动,他们常穿的毛衣和常梳的发型。The graduated students began to feel like distant cousins—I learned their nicknames, their sports of choice, which sweater or hairstyle they’d worn on repeated occasions.

麦吉是非裔美国人,她声称,根据家族故事和系谱记录,她跟胡佛共有一个曾祖父,所以胡佛是她的远房表兄。McGhee, an African American, claims that, based on family stories and genealogical records, she and Hoover had a common ancestor, a great-grandfather, making him a distant cousin.

他认为,穆斯林商人的表现不佳反衬出印度教义在积累家庭财富方面的做法——伊斯兰教义授令把财富分配给远房的亲族。He thinks the poorish showing of Muslim businessmen reflects Hindu practices that allow the build-up of family wealth, while Islam dissipates it by mandating legacies to distant kin.

在远房亲属的程度上来说,未立遗嘱人的继承者就是指他们的父母或其他祖先。这些继承者将根据他们持有的股份而得到他们本应得到的份额。Descendants of the intestate to the remotest degree stand in the place of their parent or other ancestor, and take according to their stocks the share which he or she would have taken.

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我的远房姑姑每次接电话都不太正常,人家是按通话键,她是按免提,然后还要把听筒放在耳朵旁边,不知道的人远看还以为她确实是以正常方式接的电话。My great aunt answers her house phone every time, not by pressing the talk button, but by pressing the speaker phone button, yet still holding it up to her face as if she answered it normally.