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耶稣,我幼年的哺育者。Jesus, Nourisher of my youth!

爱情从幼年开始就学会了装蒜!And love is taught hypocrisy from youth.

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一种是生活,一种却是在幼年读的童话里。A life, a is in juvenile reading fairy tale.

还在幼年时我就认识他。I've known him ever since he was in petticoats.

幼年时我纳闷为什么我非得如此刻苦努力。As a child, I wondered why I had to struggle so.

幼年时期,邦兹就浸润于棒球运动之中。From an early age, Bonds was immersed in baseball.

幼年透明蛋白纤维瘤病。It was diagnosed as juvenile hyaline fibromatosis.

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山地摄影机抓拍到一只野生幼年雪豹的影像。A wild baby snow leopard has been caught on camera.

警方已经查出他幼年时的详细资料。The police grubbed up many details of his childhood.

我回想起幼年时代的幸福生活。The happy life in my childhood returned to my memory.

这人小型头骨属于一只幼年畸齿龙。The tiny skull belonged to a young Heterodontosaurus.

幼年辅助因子已经鉴定出是萜类化学物。Juvenility cofactors have been identified as terpenes.

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人在幼年负轭,这原是好的。It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.

许多成年和幼年的牛也离奇死亡。Many adult and young buffalo have also died mysteriously.

“培育幼年海贝非常容易,”韦克郎德告诉我。"Raising young conchs is fairly easy, " Wicklund told me.

马吕斯一直保持着幼年时养成的那些宗教习气。Marius had preserved the religious habits of his childhood.

幼年型息肉症是很罕见的缺陷瘤。Juvenile polyposis syndrome is a rare hamartomatous disorder.

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还在幼年时,他的家庭就居住在一片广大的宅第之中。When he was a child, his family lived in a sprawling mansion.

他同时还称,在他幼年时,他的父亲曾对他拳脚相加。He also said that his father physically abused him as a child.

男孩在G5时减少到幼年早期水平。In boys, leptin decreases back to early childhood levels by G5.