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周代史官与周礼之间有着密切的关系。Zhou Dynasty's historiographers and Zhouli have a close relationship.

史官的王官之学是阴阳五行家的知识背景。Historiographers' expertise was the knowledge background of the Yin-Yang school.

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直到东汉,史官与星历官始终是合一的。Until the Eastern Han Dynasty, historian with the ephemeris officer is always unity.

史官文化形态是中国学习思想的显著特征之一。Lastly, the significant feature of Chinese study thoughts is historiographer culture.

春秋时期的史官学识广博,具有多方面的修养。Chunqiu historiographers' learning were very extensive, they had many self-restraints.

所以,真正的历史,又岂是史官们一两句话描摹的清楚的?It looks real and impersonal. So the fact of history is never the historiographer's notes.

最后,春秋史官具有朴素的辩证思想、人本主义思想。Lastly, Chunqiu historiographers had simple discriminated thoughts well as humanism thought.

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所以,真正的历史,又岂是史官们一两句话描摹的清楚的?Therefore, to depict real history, how can historiographers use several words to make it clear?

这同当时的史官制度和史学发展两者之间有着比较有效的互动关系是分不开的。This was due to the deep relationship between the institution of historiographers and historiography.

最后,分析了部分史官参与占卜的记载。Last, we analyzed the records which some historiographers participate in the fortune-telling movement.

所以,真正的历史,又岂是史官们一两句话描摹的清楚的?Therefore, as to the true history, no historiographer could depict it clearly within one or two words.

受此影响,古典小说在其漫长的发展路向中,一直受着史官文化因子的制约。Classic novels have been restricted by the literature of officials who wrote history in its long development.

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一位经历过这场战斗的史官在记录中写到一支队伍用他们的盾牌组成了鱼鳞状的保护阵型。One historian at the battle recalled a unit that formed a unique "fish-scale"-style of protection using their shields.

那么,为何史官要在开篇和每位国君即位时都要反复写该句?Then why should historiographer write the sentence repeatedly at the opening or when each emperor ascended the throne?

于是希勒家的儿子家宰以利亚敬、并书记舍伯那、和亚萨的儿子史官约亚、出来见拉伯沙基。Eliakim son of Hilkiah the palace administrator, Shebna the secretary, and Joah son of Asaph the recorder went out to him.

我们认为史官内史过对远古的巫术非常熟悉,可以对其熟练应用。We believed that the historiography of ancient times have been very familiar with the witchcraft and can applied it proficiently.

史官由于某种原因,不据事直书,有意掩盖事情真相,谓之曲笔。Historian for some reason, does not matter that the book was intentionally cover up the truth of the matter, saying that the Qubi.

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韩愈和柳宗元关于史官问题的辩论,发生于九世纪初唐宪宗元和年间。The debate on official historian between Han and Liu occurred in the early 9th century, Yuan He year of Tang Xianzong Reign Period.

中国早期神话的历史化铸成了中国古代社会的史官文化特质。Historicization of the fair tales in the early period of China made Chinese ancient society featured by culture of historiograghers.

于是希勒家的儿子家宰以利亚敬,并书记舍伯那,和亚萨的儿子史官约亚,出来见拉伯沙基。Then came forth unto him Eliakim, Hilkiah's son, which was over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah, Asaph's son, the recorder.