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为摆脱生存危机,文学期刊各显神通。To shake off the crisis, literary journals find their different ways.

小商品,大市场,区域经济各显神通。Large market with small commodity is the blue-chip feature of its regional economy.

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当这两方开始竞争起来,你将看到,这是一场各显神通的角斗。When these two come into rivalry, you will see it will be a case of pull devil, pull baker.

不过官员们并没有公布联合应急计划,显然各国政府将继续各自为政、各显神通。But the officials issued no joint emergency plan, and individual governments will apparently continue to go their own ways.

这个项目到底怎么做,希望各位能够八仙过海,各显神通,拿出自己的意见和方法。How should we manage this project? I hope all of you can show your own skills and give your opinion like the eight immortals.

各个毕业生的家庭里,父母们八仙过海,各显神通,托朋友,找关系,目的就是为了能找到一个理想的工作。Parents of every graduate's family make use of their social relationships in order that their children can get satisfied jobs.

同行业之间的竞争应建立在“八仙过海,各显神通”的层面上。The competition that goes together an of industry should build up on the level of"eight fairies lead sea, each show magical power".

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吸血鬼眼睛、血红眼睛、白眼都非常怪异,但都是可以买到的,因为镜片制作商真是各显神通。Vampire eyes, bloody red eyes, white eyes are highly strange and are YES available for purchase as contact lens manufacturers have outdone themselves.

江浙沪三省商业发展各有特色,中外商业企业的拚杀各显神通。Jangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai develop their commerce with each characteristic, where domestic and foreign commercial enterprises compete actively with their own strong points.

自清中叶以来,东西南北万商云集,盐船漫合,至抗战之始,京、鲁、豫、苏菜麇集盐都,各显神通。Self-cleaning since the mid, west, south million of merchants, ship diffuse salt together until the beginning of the war, Beijing, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu cuisine assemble salt recount.

伴随着世界经济全球化步伐的加快和商业活动的蓬勃发展,多种形式的商业组织形式纷纷在商业舞台上各显神通。Along with pacing up of the world economic globalization and the vigorous development of commercial activities, multiform commercial organization models put their own effects into exertion.