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屋子乱得一塌糊涂。The room was in a mess.

她把事情搞嘚一塌糊涂。She make a mess of entities.

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她把事情搞嘚一塌糊涂。She make a muddle of things.

我太紧张了,表现的一塌糊涂。So nervous ,I was in a mess.

她把事情搞嘚一塌糊涂。She make a shambles of things.

你还真是帅得一塌糊涂。You are really a handsome guy.

地产市场还是一塌糊涂。The housing market still sucks.

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如果你没有败的一塌糊涂呢?What if you don't lose your ass?

律师醉得一塌糊涂,因此审判被暂停。Atty so drunk that trial suspended.

他的冬衣被虫蛀得一塌糊涂。His winter suit has been badly wormed.

这真是个愚蠢至极,一塌糊涂的世界。It's a fucking stupid, messed-up world.

老师们看着汤姆的作文时笑得一塌糊涂。The teachers laughed over Tom's composition.

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我们把伊拉克弄得一塌糊涂,It’,甚至在阿富汗也是一样。s been disastrous in Iraq, even in Afghanistan.

试图这么做将把树视图弄得一塌糊涂。Attempting to do so would clutter the tree view.

牛奶洒在地板上弄得一塌糊涂。The spilt milk made a terrible mess on the floor.

牛奶洒在地毯上弄得一塌糊涂。The spilt milk made a terrible mess on the carpet.

即使是那广告烂的一塌糊涂没人想看,你也会这么做的。Even if the ads suck and no one wants to read them.

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“这地方一个星期里有四个晚上都忙得一塌糊涂,”季曼说。“The place is busy four nights a week, ” Zyama said.

不要再刻意润饰各种一塌糊涂的信息了。Stop obfuscating the information and embellishing it.

更让病毒畅行无阻的是,猪的免疫系统一塌糊涂。Better still, the pigs' immune systems are in free-fall.