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是大自然馈赠给人类的奇珍异宝。Nature's gifts to human treasures.

博物馆里陈列着许多奇珍异宝。There are many rare treasures exhibited in the museum.

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她花光了家里的存款,买了一大堆奇珍异宝植入自己的身体。She emptied the family savings accounts purchasing troves of precious gems to implant into her body.

波斯商人带来大量的罗马玻璃器皿、非洲象牙、波斯银器等奇珍异宝。Persian traders bring a large number of Roman glassware, African ivory, Persian silver gum, and so on.

唐代诗歌不仅达到了中国诗歌史的顶峰,而且也是世界诗歌宝库中的奇珍异宝。Tang poetry is not only the summit of the Chinese poetry history but also part of the world treasury of great verse.

某一天清晨,一艘来自高岩山脉地区的船抵达这里,船上满载着奇珍异宝。One early morning a ship arrived from the mountainous province of High Rock, carrying with it various oddities and trinkets.

说完,她领着日穹走进一座用宝石修建的大厦,里面有无数的奇珍异宝,令人赏心悦目。Having said this, she led him to a mansion made of precious stones and filled with a myriad of treasures to delight the senses.

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其内容包括岭南的远国异民传说、山川湖泊传说、动植物传说和奇珍异宝传说。It included fables of different places and peoples, of mountains, rivers and lakes, of zoology and botany, and of rares treasures in Lingnan area.

库尔提拉斯建立起了一支强大的商船队,他们穿越了所有已知地区,在世界各地搜寻供交易与贩卖的奇珍异宝。Over time, Kul Tiras built up a mighty fleet of merchant vessels that sailed throughout the known lands in search of exotic goods to trade and sell.

在夕阳的映照下,云峰之上均镶嵌着一层金灿烂的亮边,时而闪烁着奇珍异宝殿的光辉。Illuminated in the sunset, Yunfeng are inlaid with a layer of gold on the bright side of brilliant, sparkling treasures and sometimes glorious temple.

每隔30分钟出现在大荒的灭陵妖魔如预料之中成为了广大玩家们的手下败将,他们身上所携带的奇珍异宝,自然也要上缴才行。Every 30 minutes in the eradication of Da Huang Mausoleum as a demon expected to become the majority of the players who defeated opponent, carried by them gum, naturally it turned over.

这句我感觉译为“距此几步之遥的是米开朗琪罗为他的一位奴隶作的小蜡像,奇珍异宝让人目不暇接----从琳琅满目的金制神龛到法国圣礼拜堂珠宝般的彩色玻璃窗,不一而足。Only a few feet away is Michelangelo's small wax model for one of his slaves. The list goes on—from a slew of golden reliquaries to the panels of stained glass from that Paris jewel, Sainte Chapelle.

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所以,我们所谈论的是一个富有的群体,当然,令谢里曼为之震惊的是,在这些墓葬圈之中,正如刚才提到的,他找到了品目繁多的奇珍异宝So, we are talking about a wealthy group, and of course, the thing that struck Schliemann almost amazingly was that in the circle of graves that we've been talking about, he found all kinds of precious things buried.