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能给我来一杯四海为家吗?Can I get a cosmopolitan?

我去拿,四海为家,对吗?I'll get it. Cosmopolitan , right?

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时光飞逝,朋友四海为家。Time flies, and friends are scattered around.

他行踪不定,四海为家。His whereabouts are uncertain – he could be living anywhere.

明智者四海为家,地球是他的壁炉,蓝天是他的客厅。The wise man is his home, the earth is his living room fireplace, blue sky.

他胸怀抱负和梦想,他把纽约看作自己的事业起点,像跑马拉松一样在美国四海为家。He made plans, have dreams and running marathon in this country started in NewYork.

那些永远在欧洲住了下来的人,他们根本就是四海为家的。Those who stayed permanently in Europe were unusually cosmopolitan in their origins.

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印度人有两个方面的特点——一种是寸步不离家园的人,另一种是四海为家到处云游的苦行者。India has two aspects--in one she is a householder, in the other a wandering ascetic.

明智者四海为家———大地是他的壁炉,苍穹是他的客厅。Go where he will, the wise man is at home his harth the earth, his hall the azure dome.

他们自视为四海为家者,并彼此关系密切。They felt themselves cosmopolitans and as such held close relationships with one another.

他曾经在他所热爱的伦敦生活过五年,他博览群书,见地深刻,是个四海为家之人。He had already spent five years in London, which he loved, and was a well-read, deep-thinking, cosmopolitan guy.

即便是那些四海为家之人,在面对语言、文化或传统与己相同的其他人时,一般也会感到亲近。Even the most cosmopolitan usually feel an affinity with others who share the same language, culture or heritage.

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但加尔各答居民应该向前走出一步,表现出他们自我理解的四海为家观念和宽容。But Kolkata's residents should go one step further to live up to their self-perception of being cosmopolitan and tolerant.

天南地北,四处飘洒着我们的跟,就如同那薄公英,四海为家。From the North to the South our roots take hold here and there, just as dandelions make everywhere around the world their homes.

一名四海为家的人物可能熟悉各地的风俗礼仪,而一个粗俗的乡下农夫说不定有数不尽的仙灵故事。A cosmopolitan character might be experienced in the skills of etiquette, while an unrefined peasant might know countless folk tales about the fey.

曾经在福建、云南、山西和东莞新世纪四支球队效力过的“游侠”刘昊也很激动,作为一名天津球员,他不用再四海为家了。Once in Fujian, Yunnan, Shanxi and Dongguan New Century four teams have the effect of " Chivalric " Liu Hao also very excited, Tianjin as a player, he no longer universally applicable for the home.