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我国是肝癌多发国家。China is a liver cancer-prone country.

铼的同位素被运用于肝癌的治疗。Rhenium isotopes are used to treat liver cancer.

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令人痛苦的是,肝癌的发生率还在上升。Distressingly, the incidence of liver cancer went up.

蜂毒有抑制肝癌细胞作用。Bee venom has restraining effect on liver-cancer-cell.

可以肝癌过滤器,防止心脏病的老人呢?Can HEPA filters prevent heart disease in the elderly?

图为小肝癌治疗方案讨论。Discussing the plan for treatment of small liver caner.

蝎毒介入治疗肝癌可改善症状。Scorpion venom can meliorate symptom of hepatic carcinoma.

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肝癌患者能耐受全肝移动条照射。The patients tolerated MST of total liver irradiation well.

原发性肝癌的血流呈高速高阻型。The Vmax and RI of HCC were higher than that in control group.

“肺癌、肝癌、前列腺癌、乳腺癌,”科里大声说着。"Lung, liver, prostate, breast cancer, " Curley said out loud.

结论M30有可能成为对肝癌预后进行推测的分子标志之一。Conclusion M30 is possible to be an indicator of PHC prognosis.

在肝癌增长幅度最小乙肝病毒之间的注册。The HCC increase was least dramatic among registrants with HBV.

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中国抗癌协会肝癌专业委员会。Chinese Society of Liver Cancer, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association.

布隆伯格医生还指出这种病毒可能导致肝癌。Dr. Blumberg also showed that the virus could cause liver cancer.

络脉瘀阻是肝癌发生发展的重要环节。Collateral stasis and obstruction is the important developing link.

总体上,每年万人中有1502例肝癌发生。The overall incidence of HCC was 1502 cases per 100 000 person years.

昨天,这位著名的外科医生给一个肝癌患者做了手术。Yesterday, this well-known surgeon operated on a lung-cancer patient.

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肝癌自发破裂出血腹腔播散以及医源性种植。Dissemination of metastasis by spontaneous hemorrhage of liver cancer.

首次发现TIMP-1在肝癌细胞中的核内分布现象。The nuclear distribution of TIMP-1 in liver cancer cells was observed.

中药联合介入组和纯中药治疗组均对肝癌症状的改善有一定作用。And the interventional therapy of TCM is better in these two syndromes.