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PMMA具有室温蠕变特性。PMMA has a room temperature creep.

在早上,我会倒入室温硫化。In the morning I will pour the RTV.

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它们在室温下是固体。They are solid at room temperature.

在室温和一个大气压下。At room temperature and one bar pressure.

揭掉锡纸,放于室温下冷却1个小时。Uncover and cool 1 hour at room temperature.

冷等离子体更接近室温。Cold plasmas are closer to room temperatures.

现在室温时的振动,可以忽略。Now at room temperature vibrations, forget it.

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无色态和呈色态在室温下都是稳定的。The two states are stable at room temperature.

在室温下,kT比它们大很多。At room temperature, kT's much bigger than them.

香蕉则要在较凉快的室温下保存。Bananas should be kept at cool room temperature.

你可以把直线外推到室温。And then you can extrapolate to room temperature.

联合国大厦在八月份的室温将会调高。Thermostats will rise during the month of August.

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把香蕉于室温下放至成熟。Store bananas at room temperature until they ripen.

在室温时,所有的金属都是顺磁性的。At room temperature all the metals are paramagnetic.

下次取出室温回软可以继续使用。Bring it to room temperature next time before using.

在室温下密度是1。It's got a density of about 1.76 at room temperature.

再浇上一勺室温的微热的草莓酱。Spoon room-temperature or warm strawberry sauce over.

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其次是倾诉了严峻的飞机与胃肠1000室温硫化。Next was to pour up the stern planes with GI 1000 RTV.

即使在室温下,水银的发挥性也很显著。Mercury is appreciably volatile even at room temperature.

烤好之后将派放在铁架上冷却至室温。Place the pie on a wire rack and cool to room temperature.