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他们将试图干扰日籍捕鲸船的行动或令其无功而返。They will try to interfere with or disable the Japanese whalers.

安迪11岁时就做报童,这成了他的第一份工作,但是后来无功而返。Andy took his first job as a paperboy at age 11 and never looked back.

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与这样的人体岩石对抗,瑞典的骑兵攻击波最终只能无功而返。Against this human rock the waves of Swedish horsemen thundered in vain.

马刺最后时刻的反扑也告无功而返,被迫缴械投降。The last time the Spurs have been nothing back, was forced to surrender.

而九妹见黑蚁等人无功而返,还真的开始研究起法宝来。And nine sister see black ants are, also really started to study magic weapon.

根据前两次在斯瓦特的军事进攻推断,这次行动同样可能无功而返。On the evidence of two previous offensives in Swat, this may achieve nothing good.

比赛的第72分钟,重庆力帆的一次进攻再次无功而返。The competition's 72nd minute, a Chongqing Lifan's attack idle work returns once more.

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为了找到一份建筑师的工作,我整日泡在网上搜索,终于等到了一次面试的机会,但却无功而返。After trolling the Internet for architecture jobs, I landed one interview, but nothing came of it.

迪斯尼集团拥有美国体育巨头ESPN也参与了拍卖,但无功而返。The Disney-owned American sports giant ESPN was also involved in the auction, albeit unsuccessfully.

许多讨论之所以无功而返,在于缺乏对审美存在的超实体性的认识。Many were proved fruitless, originates from the ill perception for super-substance of aesthetic being.

天马由于太过靠近提丰的右手而被压掌下动弹不得。奎托斯试图解救天马,但屡次无功而返。Pegasus makes the mistake of flying too close to Typhon's hand and becomes trapt under its vast weight.

打破这个循环是主要的问题,解决方法也是多种多样,但是都无功而返。Breaking the cycle is the problem here and the solutions offered are varied with nothing totally foolproof.

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作为报复,汉人征集了一些蒙古雇佣军企图重占哈密,却无功而返。The Chinese retaliated by hiring several armies of Mongol mercenaries to recapture Hami, but without success.

迪斯卡引用了那个神秘的句子次日,记者们争先恐后地寻找圣经出处,结果无功而返。After Ditka cited the mysterious passage, reporters scrambled unsuccessfully the next day to find the biblical source.

现在,引用这句话作为说服大公司更好的承担社会责任的证据必然无功而返。Now, it is widely cited as evidence that attempts to persuade firms to behave better are inevitably doomed to failure.

他说他的家庭已经六次从位于伊朗西北部的大不里士家中来德黑兰上访,但都无功而返。He said the family has traveled six times from their home in Tabriz to Tehran to speak with Iranian officials, but in vain.

周二,在此战之前的一场交锋中,葡萄牙与科特迪瓦以0-0的比分,互交白卷,无功而返。The victory gave five-time champion Brazil first place in the group after Portugal and the Ivory Coast drew 0-0 earlier Tuesday.

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有诫于前述潜在弊端,埃及军方最好不要费力尝试复制“土耳其”模式,以免无功而返。With the many potential drawbacks of trying to copy the Turkish armed forces, the Egyptian officers should not even bother trying.

那时,自从基德行刑之后,不断有财宝搜寻者前往海岛去寻找基德剩下的宝藏,但是都无功而返。In the time since Kidd's execution treasure hunters have continued to search the islands for Kidd's lost treasure, but to no avail.

他帮助骑士队杀入了一次总决赛,尽管无功而返,但詹姆斯的领导才能和统治力已经深入人心。He helped the Cavaliers reached the finals once, even though failed, but James's leadership and rule of force has gained recognition.