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双背带扣封,确保安全的契合。Two strap buckle closure ensures a secure fit.

如果标准契合,配偶即乔迁而来。If they meet her standards, mating will follow.

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观众与媒体之间的契合程度是受所需时间长度左右的吗?Is engagement dicated by length of time demanded?

契合空性,摒除自我执着,才有自在逍遥的人生。Put away self-center, then you'll have happy life.

契合空性,屏除自我执着,才有自在逍遥的人生。Put away self-centre, then you'll have happy life.

双方戈林保证个性化和安全的契合。Dual side goring ensure a personalized and secure fit.

褶饰杯和躯干提供一个讨人喜欢的契合。Ruching on the cups and torso offers a flattering fit.

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丁丁带些自负的性格特征和那个时代很契合。Tintin’s slightly priggish character fitted the times.

对于土地的利用方式,则契合当今永续利用的概念。Land use was also match for the sustainability nowadays.

可调钩环带为最佳的契合和感觉。Adjustable hook-and-loop straps for optimum fit and feel.

你可以找到任何契合你兴趣的东西。And you can really find anything that tailors your interest.

内置一个女特定的最后一个更真实,更自然的契合。Built on a women's-specific last for a truer, more natural fit.

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这个模型预测的结果与早期的人口普查数据契合良好。Their model’s predictions match well with the early census data.

特色针织弹性钩环的最佳契合封闭。Features knit elastic with hook-and-loop closure for optimum fit.

他们的调查结果和近期德国劳动市场的表现相契合。Their findings chimed with recent signals from the German labor market.

这所有的内容都契合了,我刚才提到的问题Well, this whole business presents the problem I mentioned a moment ago.

帮助哈马斯-以色列谈判以达成协议非常契合这样一种策略。Helping negotiate the Hamas-Israel deal fits nicely into such a strategy.

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软磁碟充满椎骨之间的果冻状物质契合。Soft disks filled with a jelly-like material fit between these vertebrae.

阿达尼在该公司公告中称,这宗交易与他一直以来推动公司业务走向国际的期望相符,“我们在寻找契合公司战略的合适的商业机会。”We were in search of the right business opportunity with a strategic fit.

有一些梦想是和提升相契合的,但有一些却并不契合。There are some dreams that dovetail with ascension and others that do not.