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你是说有特异功能的老鼠?You mean mice with special powers?

以下介绍的十种动物的特异功能只是我们所了解的一小部分。This is a list of ten little known facts about animals.

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她自称有特异功能,能预知未来。She claims to be psychic and to be able to foretell the future.

细胞表面特异功能结构分化不良。Specific function structure on the surface of cell differentiated poorly.

而用特异功能使山羊毙命仅仅是冰山一角而已。And that killing goats with psychic powers was just the tip of the iceberg.

你是个很有魅力且有让人心平和的特异功能。You are very charismatic and have an uncanny ability to put others at ease.

呢啲就叫特异功能,呢度有只A士,只要我轻轻一搓。This is called special power, here is an Ace, I only have to rub it lightly.

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有一次,有机会验证张宝胜的特异功能,并准许我们自己挑选试样品。Later we found an opportunity to testify Zhang Baosheng's supernatural powers.

2009年冬天,我发现了唛奴卡蜂蜜的一项“特异功能”。It was the winter of 2009 when I discovered the health benefits of Manuka Honey.

而且,虽然我很想说自己有未卜先知的特异功能,但我不能这样做。And as much I would like to claim some special gift for prognostication, I can't.

维拉的特异功能引起了在她居住地附近的乌里扬诺夫斯克城的科学研究所的注意。Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute.

盲人有时似乎有一种特异功能可以察觉到他们面前的障碍物。Well, blind humans sometimes seem to have an uncanny sense of obstacles in their path.

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军方参与特异功能间谍活动和绝地计划的新闻逐步泄露了出去。News of the military's involvement with psychic spying and Project Jedi gradually leaked out.

谁又能抵住诱惑,不去幻想拥有超人的特异功能会是什么样呢?Who can resist daydreaming what it might be like to have superhuman powers that no one else has?

做到这一步最好是自然而然的,于是,军方转而向特异功能功力最强的人求助。It was only natural, then, for the military to turn to their most accomplished psychics for help.

有特异功能并不能让你的生活好过一点,而只会给你带来更多需要处理的事情。Having superpowers wouldn’t make life that much easier. You’d just have a lot more crap to deal with

司马南拿出一大笔资金奖励那些能够证明有特异功能存在的人。Sima Nan donated a large sum of money to finance those who can establish the existence of supernatural power.

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这并不奇怪,因此,有些人声称,军方已经重新启动特异功能间谍计划。It's hardly surprising, then, that some are claiming the military has re-activated its psychic spying programme.

当然,奥斯卡需要用它的特异功能去关爱的那些家庭成员还有很多——实际上三楼这里的所有住院者都需要它的这种关爱。Certainly Oscar had a lot of family members to bestow that power on—all the residents of the third floor, in fact.

至今仍没有足够有力的证据可以破解这些巫医长久以来的特异功能。There is still not enough evidence to dismiss what these shamans have been apparently able to achieve for decades.