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以下克里斯蒂·尼克尔森为你报导解答。Christie Nicholson reports.

人生是一道难题,解答它。Life is a puzzle — solve it.

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你愿意来解答这个吗,朱莉娅?You wanna take that on, Julia?

如果你觉得合适,请添加常见问题解答。Please add FAQs as you see fit.

这个问题解答不了。This problem will not work out.

凯斯·哈克特的官方解答Keith Hackett's official answers

有谁能解答的定重谢!Who answers given weight thanks!

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这个谜语终于得到了解答。The riddle was at last unriddled.

好的问题容易解答。Good questions outrank easy answers.

谁能解答这道物理题?。Who can work out this physics problem?

你可以给我一个解答提纲。You can give me an outline how to solve.

详情请至常见问题解答一节。For details please go to the FAQ section.

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解答这个问题不在本节课的范围。I'm not going to try to settle this here.

所有的问题都被沙莉解答了。All the problems were worked out by Sally.

这里是一些对商标的常见问题解答。Here's some information on Trademark FAQs.

大臣魏征做了解答。His minister Wei Zheng gave his the answer.

可是你只要看看这儿的小客厅,就得了解答。But you can find an answer in the next room.

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多希望我是第一次解答啊。Hopefully I phrased it right the first time.

只有我们才能对自己的问题提出解答。Only we can provide answers to our problems.

这一问题让人想起用几何学加以解答。The problem can be thought of geometrically.