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我们发现星云了!Wehave a nebula!

鹈鹕星云。The Pelican Nebula.

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蟹状星云脉冲星变慢。The Crab Pulsar is slowing down.

看不到一星星云丝。Not a speck of cloud is to be seen.

同星云星建立联系。Contact is established with Nebulos.

天蝎座里巨大的猫爪星云。The vast Cat's Paw Nebula in Scorpius.

恒星正在该暗星云中形成。Stars are forming within the dark cloud.

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三裂星云比礁湖星云稍微暗一些。The Trifid is a little dimmer than the Lagoon.

那一团模糊的银白星云就是银河系的所在了。A faint silvery vapour stood for the Milky Way.

爱斯基摩星云显然是一个行星星云。The Eskimo Nebula is clearly a planetary nebula.

关于星云,他做出了重大发现。And he made an important discovery about nebulae.

这是蟹状星云脉冲星的数据。And so here you have the data on the Crab Pulsar.

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三叶星云的跨度约为40光年。The Trifid Nebula is about 40 light-years across.

有一个物体叫做,蟹状星云脉冲星。There is an object which we call the Crab Pulsar.

船底座星系里独特的星云形状。Distinctive cloud formations in the Carina Nebula.

鹰状星云是著名的恒星出生地。Both tower-like nebulas are cocoons of young stars.

辐射星云是一种高温气体云,云中的原子被附近恒星的紫外线激活到高能状态。Emission nebulas are clouds of high temperature gas.

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“外星云”是“星系”的曾用名。"Extragalactic nebula" is a former name for "galaxy".

这说明星云是恒星的聚集体。This suggest that the nebulas are aggregates of stars.

星云旋转和转动的速度降了下来,亮度也变暗了。The twisting and moving slowed down, halting the lights.