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都是成见。False stereotypes.

她摒弃一切成见。She put away all prejudices.

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人们把他看成一个恶棍的成见已无法改变。He was stereotyped a villain.

悠游卒岁,心中并无固定的成见。There is no prejudice in their heart.

他对所有的人都不带有任何成见。He is free from prejudice to everybody.

也形成了对另一队的成见。And then there were negative stereotypes.

克拉拉心中充满了模糊的成见。Clara was full of a sombre preconception.

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成见愈少,生命愈宽广。Less prejudice makes your life expansive.

你必须打消所有的成见。You have to avoid all the preoccupations.

以下是一些我经常听到的成见。Below are some preconceptions I hear a lot.

是什么使你对现代音乐抱有成见?。What has prejudiced you against modern music?

可是我父亲对韦翰也有成见。My father, however, is partial to Mr. Wickham.

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关于美国人也有些成见。There are also false stereotypes about Americans.

不要因为个人成见而改变事物的本来面目。We don't change things out of personal prejudice.

尽早抓住机会打破这个成见。Break that perception at the earliest opportunity.

事实上,这乃是无聊而过时的成见。In fact, it smacks of lazy and passé stereotyping.

他的判断并不带有个人成见。His judgement was uncoloured by personal prejudice.

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人们对我的以上那些成见让我感到很受伤。I feel bad when people assume these things about me.

他极力证明自己是没有成见的。He leaned over backwards to prove he was unprejudiced.

但是我们对于南方的成见由来已久But the idea of Southern stereotypes is very, very old.