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法令违宪了吗?Is the statute unconstitutional?

他的确裁决强制令违宪。He did indeed find the mandate unconstitutional.

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橘子郡的这项法令,很有可能也是违宪的。The Orange County ordinance, too, may well be unconstitutional.

如果是最后一种情况,就构成了严重的违宪行为。If that’s what happened, it amounted to a serious breach of the Constitution.

从一九三五年到三六年短短一年中,有十三项国会案被宣判违宪。In a single term, 1935-1936, thirteen acts of Congress were set aside as invalid.

美国高等法院说,今年32岁,华盛顿特区枪禁令是违宪的。The U. S. high court says 32-year-old Washington, DC gun ban is unconstitutional.

他们就规定死刑的法规是否违宪进行争论。They argued about whether the statute mandating the death penalty is unconstitutional.

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最高法院裁定同性恋行为定罪的法律是违宪的。The Supreme Court has ruled that laws criminalizing homosexual conduct are unconstitutional.

在其他人立场不明的情况下,米勒质疑了失业补助是否违宪。Among other dubious positions, he has questioned the constitutionality of unemployment benefits.

在一场长达9年的运动中,参与者已经称反对同性性行为是违宪的。In a nine-year legal campaign, activists had argued that the ban on gay sex was unconstitutional.

具体说来就是,最高法院会找特定法律的茬,宣布它们是违宪的。To be specific, the Supreme Court finds fault with certains laws and declare them unconstitutional.

具体说来就是,最高法院会找特定法律的茬,宣布它们是违宪的。To be specific, the Supreme Court finds fault with certains laws and declare them "unconstitutional".

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马政府迳行注销前总统核定的国家机密,此举是否违宪?Is it unconstitutional for President Ma to declassify what his predecessor declared as state secrets ?

“孙志刚案件”再次引发各界对我国违宪审查的讨论和关注。Sun Zhigang case causes concern and discuss of the review of constitutionality among all circles again.

爱普丽尔·雷丁认为,本次搜身有违宪法,并侮辱性地侵犯了其女儿的权利。April Redding argues the search was an unconstitutional and degrading violation of her daughter's rights.

三位法官组成地方法院的判决中指出,总审计长的过程中的作用是违宪的。A three-judge district court ruled that the comptroller general's role in the process was unconstitutional.

他说,南部非洲发展共同体决不会接受通过违宪手段让一个民选政府交出权力。He said SADC would never accept the unconstitutional transfer of power from a democratically elected government.

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然后再想想这些人却一直在絮絮叨叨将反恐立法是违宪,哈哈哈。And to think these guys were mumbling about the anti-terrorist legislation as being violative of the constitution.

印度做了很多努力规划尼泊尔的和平,她默默的支持军方将领违宪抗命。India, which did much to engineer the peace, has quietly backed the army commander’s unconstitutional disobedience.

她说,整个地区的法官在挑战现有禁毒法的“违宪性”方面,正变得越来越大胆。Judges across the region were growing bolder in challenging "unconstitutionalities" in current drug laws, she said.