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现在它们是主流。They are now mainstream.

充满浪漫气息的色彩也是主流之选。Romantic hues are also the mainstream.

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苹果现在是主流的缩影。Apple is now the epitome of mainstream.

但现在,网上银行已经成为主流。But today, online banking is mainstream.

但是“改变”已经成为时下的主流口号。But "change" is the mantra of the moment.

大部分人来自主流穆斯林国家。Most were from majority-Muslim countries.

爱情是主流签名档最好的提神剂。love is the greatest refreshment in life.

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偷偷摸摸可能成为主流。A furtive activity could become mainstream.

第三章,两大主流权益理论。Chapter three, the two main equity theories.

有二种基本的主流道拉料机构设计方法。There are two basic designs of sprue puller.

他的观点将会棘突主流的历史学家。His view will infuriate mainstream historians.

这已经不再是主流观点了。This is actually no longer the mainstream view.

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如何畅享主流精英阶层时尚生活?How to enjoy the fashionable life of the elites?

特斯拉不太可能成为一家主流汽车公司。Tesla is unlikely to become a major car company.

主流媒体和“旧式”媒体走到了一个岔路口。Mainstream or "old" media face a fork in the road.

产品以琉璃、玉石、合金为主流。Products to glass, jade, alloy into the mainstream.

现在我负责的几个售楼处,婚房逐渐成为一个主流。Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.

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新生的易趣是可移动的,主流的,时髦的。The new eBay is mobile, mainstream, and fashionable.

作为科学家,他也同样一直徘徊在科学界的主流边缘。As a scientist, too, Perutz was always on the fringe.

这个项目会在所有主流的浏览器上进行它的测试。The project runs its tests on all the major browsers.