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与此同时,经济学家、法学家各抒己见。At the same time, economists, jurists express.

研究小组就此问题整天开展各抒己见的自由讨论。The research group brainstormed the problem all day.

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国家在全球史上举足轻重。请各抒己见。The State made all the deference in global history. Discuss.

非法下载歌曲该被罚款吗?来各抒己见吧。Sound off3. Should people be fined for illegally downloading music?

如何设置等一系列问题各抒己见。What a series of questions of setting up etc. to air one's own views.

希望大家能各抒己见,共同提高我们的阵地。Hope that we can express their opinions together to improve our position.

我觉得如果你要是给我们机会各抒己见就更好了。I think it would have been better if you had given us more of a chance to give out opinions.

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让我们各抒己见,为什么有时候我们经常很懦弱,为什么我们没有做主的感觉?Let's get personal. Why are we sometimes or always parent wimps?Why don't we feel in charge?

我知道有许多的同学有不同的想法,我们可以在这广场上各抒己见。I know that the students have many different ideas for part-job, now let's share them on the square.

陪审团顾问阿特·帕特森说,“现在,这就是人们各抒己见的地方”。"These days, it's the place where people voice their opinions, " said jury consultant Art Patterson.

今年两会上,纺织界代表、委员们对此纷纷各抒己见。On the two sessions this year, representatives of the textile sector, members express their opinions on this.

于是,为填水坑又连续召开了一系列干部会议。大家高谈阔论,各抒己见,仍没有形成一致意见。This led to a series of management meetings. Everyone expressed their views freely but no consensus was reached.

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朝鲜的文人们还各抒己见,展开了对柳宗元其人及诗文的批评,其中有少部分指责或指瑕。Korean intellectuals expressed their different views on Liu Zongyuan's works, including a small part of accusation.

关于中国传统音乐在二十一世纪的发展与走向,音乐学界曾有多种讨论,各抒己见,莫衷一是。At present, there is a great number of ideas on the development of Chinese traditional music in the field of Musicology.

我期望听到你们的看法,尤其是希望你们就世卫组织如何可以促进卫生与发展领域多部门行动各抒己见。I look forward to hearing your views, especially on how WHO can promote multisectoral action for health and development.

关于寒食节的来历,自古就有许多说法,至今研究者们仍然各抒己见。Cold Food Festival on the origins of ancient times many of the claims so far the researchers were still express their views.

这结果告诉我们这项工作只有体力劳动和脑力劳动大家各抒己见,一些简单的工作不能提高你的能力。This result tells us this work only about physical labor and some simple mental work. Those works can not improve your ability.

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前一天,“限制发言”引来了潮水般的嘘声,布拉特保证,如果有必要的话,他会将大会延长一天以便大家各抒己见。Yesterday, booed and catcalled for limiting 'interventions', Blatter promised an extra day, if needed, so that everyone would be heard.

关于这一现象的性质、其结果对世界城市化进程的基本趋势的影响等问题,仍有各抒己见的认识。There are various kinds of arguments on its nature, its trend and its influence on the tendency of urbanization of the world, and so on.

这日却突然造访戚继光落脚的客栈,两人就建水师、练精兵各抒己见,并展开了一场纸上谈兵。That day suddenly to visit qi jiguang arrival inn, two people to build wenhuan, opinions and practice good soldier, and launched a paper.