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干果.Dried fruit.

干果是一种非常高能量的食品。A very energy-dense food.

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这些干果用硫处理过了。These dried fruits are sulphured.

小松鼠将干果贮藏在地洞里。The squirrel stores nuts in its burrow.

无盐干果、瘦肉、三文鱼都是非常好的选择。Non-salted nuts are good, lean meats, salmon.

如果你想吃干果的话,节俭点吧。If you’re going to eat dried fruit, do it sparingly.

吃及干果的生产商和出口商。Manufacturer&exporter of candies, toffees, chew bars.

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由两个或多个心皮形成的开裂干果。A dry, dehiscent fruit composed of more than one carpel.

甜蜜的奶糖和干果,与木材烟雾和香料。Sweet toffee and dried fruits, with wood smoke and spice.

甜蜜的奶糖和干果,与木材烟雾和香料。Sweet toffee and dried fruits, with wood □□oke and spice.

任何开裂的干果,尤指荚果或蓇葖果。Any dry, dehiscent fruit, especially a legume or follicle.

你也可以买干制的枸杞,加入到甜点思慕雪或什锦干果里头。Buy dried berries and have them in a smoothie or trail mix.

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梅干、梨脯、桃脯等干果,都是炖过的。Dried fruits such as prunes, pears, and peaches, are stewed.

干果制成片状,用时放在水里煮。Dried fruits are made into slices and boiled in water for usage.

制成干果食用,对人体有补心脾,养血安神的功效。Up to raise the effectiveness of blood and soothe the nerves , the.

贵方能否惠告中国产水果和干果的价格?。Will you please let us know your price for Chinese fruits and nuts?

凉爽的十月带来野鸡,采集干果使人们欢喜。Fresh October brings the pheasant , then to gather nuts is pleasant.

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作为开胃酒或搭配干果,冰镇后饮用更佳。Perfect as an aperitif and with hors -d'oeuvres. Serve well chilled.

您可以使用蜂蜜,糖浆,和肉末干果的甜味剂。You can use honey, molasses, and minced dried fruits for sweetening.

加入水果丁、干果、椰浆,搅拌后冷藏。Add the sugar and another 500ml of cold water, boil over medium heat.