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期末考试统一安排。One exam is scheduled.

世界能统一吗?Can the world be unified?

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一是统一思想认识。First, unity of thinking.

他希望缔造一个统一的世界。He wanted to make one world.

我们要统一行动。We must take unified action.

我统一这些经文。I agreed with those Scriptures.

但是仅仅统一是不够的。But that in itself is not enough.

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德国直到一八七一年才统一Germany is not unified until 1871.

并非只有一种统一的类型。There' s not one leadership style.

东西两德重归统一。East and West Germany are reunited.

是啊,但是我们现在统一使用普通话。Yeah ,but we use unified Putonghua.

两个德国已重新统一。The two Germanys have been reunited.

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裁剪Rational统一过程为项目管理知识体系最佳实践Tailoring RUP to PMBOK best practices

万岁统一伟大的苏联!The banzai unifies the great Soviets!

但直到1871年,德意志民族才统一成了德国But Germany is not unified until 1871.

第二,统一规划和设计。Second, a unified planning and design.

由学校统一安排选课。Unified Arrangement by the University.

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社会高度统一前期不可这么行事。Social unification prophase not so act.

现在瑞典葡聚糖相当统一。Swedish dextran was now fairly uniform.

海神罗普顿管辖着健康和和谐统一。Neptune rules the health and work-front.