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你怎么还拿着蒲扇啊?But why are you still carrying fans with you?

他的作品以蒲扇为题材。His works are mostly based on the fan subjects.

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一把蒲扇可以用来扇风。One cattail leaf fan can be used to cool the air.

夏天的棉袄、冬天的蒲扇、还有等我心冷后你的殷勤。Summer cotton-padded jacket, winter stalk, and your heart cold as diligent.

我说他这对手像破蒲扇,因为手掌瘦得只剩下一根根骨头。His palms were all skin and bones, that was why I said they resembled worn-out palm-leaf fans.

不时飞来的习习微风,似乎是上苍在远处为你摇着蒲扇。A breeze would come to you from time to time as if the God was shaking a cattail leaf fan in the distance.

我仔细端详着万年青,看它那小小的绿叶,像一把把小蒲扇,在夏天,为树干扇扇子。I look forward to evergreen carefully to see its tiny green leaves, like a small , in the summer for trunk.

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尽量不使用冰箱、空调、电风扇,热时可用蒲扇或其他材质的扇子。Try not to use refrigerators, air conditioners, electric fans, hot or other materials available Pushan fan.

我说他这对手像破蒲扇,因为手掌瘦得只剩下一根根骨头。I say his hands looked like broken palm-leaf fans because they were so bony that the skin seemed non-existent.

她有时很正常,她总喜欢在葡萄树下,静静地坐着,煽动着那残破不堪的蒲扇,苍白的头发荡漾着,没有一丝活力。She is sometimes very normal, she always loved in grapevine, sat quietly, inciting the worn-out palm-leaf fan, pale hair waves, without a trace of activity.

那时候,我还是个几岁大的孩子,根本听不懂父亲给我讲的故事,只是喜欢母亲用她那双温柔的手,一边轻轻地拍着我的背,一边用蒲扇为我驱赶蚊子。At that time, I was a teenage baby, the father who did not understand the fundamental story for me, just like her mother with her gentle hand, while gently patting my back while I drive by mosquitoes.