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陈公公拍板婚宴就望德楼办了!Chen father-in-law clappers wedding at Lou de do!

戈林正设法同盟国拍板成交。Goering was hoping to strike a bargain with the Allies.

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许多农民用拍板来吓走吃庄稼的鸟。Many farmers use clappers to stop birds eating the crops.

现在你都可以在网上找到买卖所需的信息,并可以即刻拍板成交。Just meet me at Alibaba. com, where all business are equal.

我现在查看澳元只是为了等到交易盘中价位达到时拍板成交。I look at it here and just want to hit the bid on the dealer board.

据说,这一次的计划就是池宇峰亲自制定并拍板的。Allegedly, this plan is Chi Yufeng be made personally and of clappers.

从张先生来到商场到两人拍板决定,只用了不到两个小时。Will to bazaar decide to two people clappers from Mr Zhang, used only be less than two hours.

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由于腐败,各国边防都形同虚设,军火商想搞到伪造的身份和官员拍板是轻而易举的事。Corruption eases the flow. Arms dealers can readily buy forged licences and paperwork from officials.

拍板或响板是由两片或更多的木头片或其他可以合击的材料制成。Clappers or castanets are a toy made of two or more piece of wood or other material which is driven together.

这是一个伟大的几周美国网球、庞大的道具和布莱恩兄弟瑟琳娜拍板称号。It was a great few weeks for American tennis, huge props to the Bryan Bros and Serena for clinching the titles.

克莱斯勒一直寻求与菲亚特签署援助协议,并力图让债务协议拍板定案.Chrysler has been seeking a rescue deal from the Italian automaker while also trying to finalize its debt agreement.

在变形的实施例中可在拍板上变换孔的位置或多设孔。The positions of the holes can be converted or more holes are arranged on a racket board in an anamorphic embodiment.

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不过韦厂长最后拍板,决定打破陈规,给这四个人开绿灯,他们当时的平均年龄就27岁。It was up to Wei to make the final call and he broke convention by giving the green light to the four men, average age 27.

当威尼斯这个构思拍板后,萧尔登先生首先聘用了善于主题营造的建筑师,然后是精于赌场设计的建筑师。To do the Venetian first Sheldon Adelson hired architects specialized in themes, and then hire architects specialized in casinos.

他的目光又移注到他的白帆布鞋的鞋尖,那鞋尖又似拍板般地在微微翘动。His vision moves to note his white canvas shoes again of shoe point, that shoe point again clap a plank sort ground at tiny raise.

吴丰山亲自护送到机场,为的是万一发生不测事件,当场就能拍板处理。Wu Fengshan escorted them to airport in person so that a decision could be made right on the spot, if something unexpected occurred.

一司法部发言人表示,一切还没有最后拍板,但是,“在未来几天,应该会发布有关此事的声明”。A spokeswoman for the justice ministry said that no decision had been made but that "an announcement is expected in the next few days".

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这些村委会被认为是民主选举出来的,但按照……章程,依然不选举对村事务最终拍板的党委书记。These are supposedly democratically elected but party regulations still give unelected party chiefs the final say over village affairs.

他协助发起2001年多哈回合自由贸易会谈,他对10年后一项协议都没拍板定案感到非常失望。He helped launch the Doha Round of free-trade talks in 2001, and remains deeply disappointed that 10 years later an agreement remains elusive.

他表示,苹果应该找一个能像乔布斯现在这样独当一面、拍板定案的继任者。Jobs's absence, argues that Apple should have a successor on the product side who's given a mandate to singlehandedly make key decisions, like Mr.