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政府恣意妄为不顾人民的权利。The government is riding roughshod over the people's rights.

他还与中国一起,对恣意妄为的朝鲜实施新的制裁。He worked with China to get new sanctions on rogue North Korea.

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日方如继续恣意妄为,必将自食其果。Japan will reap as it has sown, if it continues to act recklessly.

但现在,这种蛮荒网络上恣意妄为的行径正在法庭上受到挑战。But now these ways of the wild, wild web are being tested in court.

一起刑事案件需要一个较强的故事,以及一个恣意妄为的主角。A criminal case requires a stronger narrative—and a willful protagonist.

他们对中国人民恣意妄为的岁月一去不复返了。Gone were the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people.

即使没有这样的下降,贷款人仍要保持谨慎态度,来惩罚那些在繁盛时期从未恣意妄为的人。Even absent such a decline, lenders remain cautious, punishing those who never indulged during the boom.

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当政府蓄意摧毁货币时,它就是在恣意妄为在伤害无辜的生命和财产。When it deliberately destroys the money, government is actingperversely, by harming innocent life and property.

察其原因,不外有少数顽固分子,不顾民族国家利益,恣意妄为。The reason is that a handful of die-hards are behaving unscrupulously to the detriment of the national interest.

察其原因,不外有少数顽固分子,不顾民族国家利益,恣意妄为。The reason is that a handful of die- hards are behaving unscrupulously to the detriment of the national interest.

是的,他必须为那夜的恣意妄为负责,但毕竟是违心的。Yes, he has to be unscrupulously wild for that night in order to be responsible for, but after all disobey heart.

就全国范围而言,民众都在抱怨警察战术低劣,导致抢劫者从一开始就觉得他们可以恣意妄为且能免除惩罚。Nationwide, there is fretting about weak police tactics, which initially left looters feeling they could rampage with impunity.

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不给糖就捣蛋,彻底改变了万圣节恶作剧恣意妄为的情况,却丝毫无损节日假面掩饰,戏谑玩闹的特征。Rogers writes, "Trick-or-treating radically altered the dynamics of festive license without eliminating its masking or playful features."

一只「巨大」的兔子显然一直在英格兰北部一座小村子里的多处菜园恣意妄为,连根挖起韭葱,津津有味地大啃芜菁,气得当地的园丁直跳脚。A "monster" rabbit has apparently been rampaging through vegetable patches in a small village in northern England, ripping up leeks, munching turnips and infuriating local gardeners.