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布莱克松走进了舰队司令的大舱房。He went into the great cabin.

高格叫了起来,“我是地球司令!Gog cried.‘I am Earth Commander!

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我知道碇司令在利用我。I know Commander Ikari is using me.

凯站到了司令面前。Kiah stood in front of the Commander.

但是我们需要再和地球司令谈谈。But we need to talk to Earth commander again.

我们希望您能和地球司令高格谈一谈。We would like you to talk to Earth Commander.

你爸爸和扎达克司令是朋友。Your father and Commander Zadak were friends.

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我们知道阿岱的事,司令。‘We know about Adai,Commander,’Rilla said.‘But

正说着,扎达克司令出现在大门口。Just then,Commander Zadak came out of the gate.

舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。The admiral visited the ships under his command.

会安排舰队司令、舰队准将、船长等角色。There will be Admirals, Commodores and Captains.

奥巴马对其陆空军司令的选择是明智的。Mr Obama's choice of his chief of staff is smart.

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因为您地球司令昨天非常生气。Earth Commander was very angry with you yesterday.

徐伯轩擒获何翔飞,取得了戴司令的信任。Xu Boxuan takes any safer, wear a commanders trust.

但普军司令毛奇并不担心。But Moltke, the Prussian commander, was not worried.

枪声惊动了司令长官刘勋德的卫队。Gunfire shocked the chief commander Liu Xunde guard.

舰队司令按作战计划进行舰队演习。The admiral manoeuvred his ships in the battle plan.

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航队司令莫费当然要问我们的位置。Admiral Murphy reasonably inquired into our location.

听着,地球司令正忙着制造火星的飞船。Earth Commander is working on the spaceship for Mars.

“是的,司令,”凯开口了,“人工臭氧层正在破裂”‘Yes, Commander, ’Kiah began.‘The AOL is breaking up’