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烧穿的线圈应换新的。The burnt coil should be renewed.

可配专用偏转线圈。It can equip with deflection coil.

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把一板大铁针放进线圈里。Put a big iron nail into the coil.

这款抓手一次能握住一个线圈壁。The tongs grips one wall of the coil.

是的,自动上发条的线圈松了。Yeah, the self-winding coil is loose.

平滑扼流圈线圈可以缩小。Smoothing choke coil can be downsized.

所有用白线圈定的区域属于整修地。All areas bounded by white lines are GUR.

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这种线圈结构让针织布比梭织布更有弹性。None of these fabrics is woven or knitted.

应将线圈绕组放入烘干箱中烘干。Windings should be dried in a drying oven.

电感线圈,线圈,电子元器件。Inductor coil , coil , Electronic Component.

生产范围包括各种类型的空芯线圈。Production covers all types of air-core coil.

连接励磁线圈导线到C接线柱。Connect the field coil lead wire to terminal C.

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电路由一个大型的李兹线蛛网线圈开始。The circuit starts with a large litz spider coil.

一个直线差动变压器有三个线圈。A linear differential transformer has three coils.

所有磁场线圈请烘干和上漆。All the field coils should be dried and varnished.

第12章讨论了自我线圈电感。Chapter 12 discussed the self-inductance of a coil.

在洞的上方把线圈轴粘到硬纸板上。Glue the spool to the cardboard on top of the hole.

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断开C接线柱与励磁线圈的导线。Disconnect the field coil lead wire from terminal C.

集电环需要连接到马达的线圈上。Collector is connected to the coil wire of the motor.

探测器线圈有一个特殊的3米长的电缆。The detector coils have a special 3-meter long cable.