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我不禁喜笑颜开。I can not help but.

他不禁尖叫一声。A scream escaped his lips.

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我听到那声音不禁大吃一惊。I was frightened at the sound.

我的泪水不禁满盈。My tears could not help coming.

一个寒颤不禁窜过我的背脊。A shiver traveled down my spine.

宾客们都不禁面面相觑。The guests looked at each other.

他们看到她的美貌不禁目瞪囗呆。They were stunned by her beauty.

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我不禁喃喃自语,果然是强大的基因。Great genes, I muttered to myself.

我不禁为莉斯感到一阵焦虑。I felt a flutter of anxiety for Liz.

他不禁感到很尬尴。He could not help feeling embarrassed.

他不禁吓住了、愣住了、瘫痪了。He was stultified, shocked, paralyzed.

大家不禁会想,此人是怎么做到这样的。You wonder how somebody who does that.

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他的勇气不禁令人肃然起敬。His courage make me respecting for him.

你不禁好奇,精子们会怎么想。You have to wonder, what do sperm think.

丹尼尔不禁又惊又喜地大叫起来。A cry of joy and surprise escaped Daniel.

那个重伤员不禁呻吟了一声。A moan escaped the badly wounded soldier.

看着眼前绿茵茵的草坪,我不禁热泪盈眶。The green lawns brought tears to my eyes.

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当我看见来电者的号码,我不禁要叹一口气。As I checked the number displayed, I sigh.

安娜贝利看着茱莉亚的样子不禁大笑起来。“Hey!” Annabel laughed at how Julia looked.

这最后的念头一出现,他不禁笑了。This last thought he accompanied with a grin.