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在这种干燥的气候下,我的嘴唇皲裂了。My lips chap in this dry weather.

他的嘴唇全都皲裂了,变得很粗糙。His lips were all chapped and rough.

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我的皮肤在冷天里很快就皲裂了。My skin soon chapped in cold weather.

您有擦嘴唇皲裂的东西吗?Have you got something for chapped lips?

双唇因顶风而皲裂了。The headwind chapped the cyclist's lips.

人的嘴唇和手在冬天常常皲裂。A person's lips and hands often chap in winter.

是肌肤出现暗哑、干燥、起皮、皲裂时最好的先择。The mask is definitely the best choice for dull, fry skin.

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防止嘴唇皲裂有很多方法。There are lots of remedies to give your lips chap defense.

唇舔起来很好,很柔嫩,嘴唇干燥皲裂的我在冬天必然要用这个唇膏。Lip lickable good and softens teh dry chapped lips I get in the winter.

唇舔起来很好,很柔软,嘴唇干燥皲裂的我在冬天一定要用这个唇膏。Lip lickable good and softens teh dry chapped lips I get in the winter.

在犹他州,受干旱困扰的鲍威尔湖的皲裂河床忍受着沙漠骄阳的炙烤。The cracked bed of Utah's drought-plagued Lake Powell bakes under the desert sun.

挑一双温暖的手套,保持手部皮肤柔软避免皲裂。Also select a comfortable pair of gloves to keep your hands and fingernails soft and chap-free.

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流金润唇膏修护双唇,呵护双唇不再干燥皲裂。使用后,令双唇舒缓,丰满迷人。Created in 1828, this smoothing lip balm soothes and protects the lips from drying and chapping.

母亲说着,皲裂的双手仍在冰凉的水盆里搓洗着红薯,眼圈红红的,有些浮肿。The mother said, chapped hands still in cold water scrubbing with sweet potato, eye red, swollen.

你也想要保护你的皮肤免于寒冷和风,以及避免冻伤而且皲裂。You also want to protect your skin from the cold and wind, and also prevent frostbite and chapping.

侧睡或俯睡的时候,你就会把脸埋在枕头里而挤出皱纹和皲裂。When you sleep on your side or stomach, you bury your face into the pillow, "pressing in" wrinkles and crevices.

侧睡或俯睡的期间,你就会把脸埋在枕头里而挤出皱纹和皲裂。When you sleep on your side or stomach, you bury your face into the pillow, "pressing in" wrinkles and crevices.

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长发挂在椅背后读书的克莱尔,上床之前把护肤膏涂在她皲裂的发红的双手的克莱尔。Clarereading, with her hair hanging over the back of the chair, massaging balm intoher cracked red hands before bed.

西伯利亚的母亲们将一种提炼自獾类脂肪的乳霜涂在孩子们的脸上,以防他们的皮肤产生皲裂。Siberian mothers rub a cream made from badger fat on their children's faces to keep their skin from getting chapped.

有效改善手部干燥、粗糙、老茧、皲裂、黝黑、色素沉着等问题。It can meliorate your hands and make hands free from dryness, roughness, callus, chap, darkness, pigmentation and so on.