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我忍痛和妻子分手。I tore myself away from my wife.

忍痛买下诸多精品。Have withstood pain to buy many accessories.

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他们需要忍痛作出抉择。They need to learn to make the hard decisions.

在死以前,为爱而忍痛,为希望而景仰吧。In the meanwhile, love and suffer, hope and contemplate.

面孔像死鬼一般苍白,忍痛痉挛着。His face was ghastly white twitching with suppressed pain.

有时,最明智的做法是忍痛割掉损失,向前走。Sometimes, the wisest thing to do is cut our losses and run.

重组改变不了忍痛实施预算改革的必要性。A restructuring wouldn't remove the need for painful budget overhauls.

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为了对大家负责任,忍痛提前把PHPSPY2011给放了出来。Responsible for all of us, reluctantly ahead of the PHPSPY2011 to put out.

一位老爷爷,他要参加隆重的聚会,他有三根头发,为什么还要忍痛拔掉一根?。An old man, he will attend the grand gathering, he has three hairs, why to unplug.

随着该股的沉沦,巴菲特是会增持,还是会忍痛割肉?As this stock stinks and sinks, will Buffett build his position or cut his losses?

绵羊为了告倒狼,所以只好忍痛舍了一条腿给狐狸。Wolf in sheep in order to win the case, so only thing to round his leg to the fox.

历史上从没有比那种忍痛的欢呼更动人的了。History records nothing more touching than that agony bursting forth in acclamations.

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荣恐玥再受伤害,忍痛提出分手,更鼓励浚再追玥。Honor he feared injuries, again more encouraged separated, reluctantly he heaped chasing again.

老牛死后,夫妻俩忍痛剥下牛皮,把牛埋在山坡上。The old cow is clay-cold, both husband and wife endure pain silently to peel off the leather, cow is on the slope.

在去年初被Borland忍痛抛弃之后,它单独注资成立了一个新的公司——CodeGear。After being virtually abandoned by Borland early last year, it was resurrected in a spin-off company called CodeGear.

他们的儿子安迪最近也被迫从母亲的健康保险中分离出来,要想恢复的话,只能忍痛再付一大笔钱。Their son, Andy, was recently knocked off his mother’s health insurance and only painfully reinstated for a large fee.

然而儿子的医生也告诉我那样做会好一些,他可以用电子邮件向我传递治疗报告,我只好忍痛离开了。Yet when my son's doctor told me he thought it would be fine, that he could E-mail his assessments 7, I tore myself away.

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将面临死亡的威胁和必须忍痛放弃最钟爱的舞蹈事业,皮埃尔一下子变得心灰意冷。The fact of envisaging death suddenly gives value to his life, the lives of others, along with the life of the whole city.

全世界许多女人甚至忍痛做手术使她们的脚更适合穿这些高跟鞋。Many women all over the world have even resorted to undergoing surgery to make their feet better shaped to fit these heels.

弘远为了不让聪敏控告怡欣,只好忍痛把怡欣送到精神病院接受治疗。For the sake of not sending Yixin to the prison, Hongyuan has no choice but to send Yixin to the mental hospital for treatment.