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冯广聚把到手的天街铺面给退了。Feng Poly Street to get the day retreat to the pavement.

至少有一条碎石铺面的道路出现又长又宽的裂缝。In at least one case, there was a long and wide crack on a metalled road.

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铺面将进一步加以装修使之与室内装饰协调一致。The details of the facade will be further fitted up to match the interior.

他们以餐桌服务和干净整洁的铺面来把肯德基快餐厅变成是很酷的地方。And they make these cool hip places with table service and clean gleaming stores.

顺蠔豉的形状,把蠔豉在碗中排成圆形,然后以烧肉围边,发菜铺面。Place dried oyster in circle, add roasted pork, then put black moss on top of the bowl.

此外,城池内还建有一些大小庙宇,老式铺面亦是鳞次栉比。In addition, there are temples, big and small, and rows upon rows of old-fashioned shops.

回望祖堂前的圆形天井,也同样是以花岗石板铺面。The circular courtyard, in front of the ancestral hall, is also paved with granite plate.

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楼上楼下鲜花点缀,铺面精细而高雅。The flower downstairs upstairs is interspersed, the shop front is meticulous and graceful.

适合于各种墓碑,台阶,路基石,铺面石等厚板材的切割。Suitable for all kinds of tombstone, steps, road foundation stone pavement thickness plate, etc.

你失掉了几辆救护车和人员,好比一个百货店的铺面巡视员,在火灾中损失了他那一部门的货色。You had lost your cars and your men as a floorwalker loses the stock of his department in a fire.

屋面采用EVE轻质复合屋面板,覆盖防水材料,水泥沥青瓦或其它轻质水泥瓦铺面装饰。The roof adopted EVE light- weight composite roof panel, covered with water proof and roofing tile.

在温哥华,写字楼和零售铺面的需求在未来的几年里将持续强劲。The demand for office and retail spaces in Vancouver is likely to remain strong in the next few years.

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裕民街,1939年,由刘文彩独资修建,全长200米,有前店后居铺面45间。Yuming Street was constructed in 1939 exclusively funded by Liu Wencai. It is 200 m long with 45 shops.

除特别说明外,所有铺面设计,细部选材及饰面须按园林建筑师指定做法完成。All paving design details, materials and finishes to be as specified by Landscape Architect, unless otherwise stated.

跟他一起退了铺面的还有月盛斋、小肠陈等十几家北京百年老号小吃。Together with his retirement on the pavement were Sheng Zhai, small intestine, Chen dozen centuries old, Beijing snack.

酒吧咖啡街处于金马郦城沿奥体大街的首层铺面,与“第壹区”、地铁站对望。Bar and caféstreet lie in the first floor in Olympics Street in Jinma Licheng, and faces "No. 1 zone" and metro station.

但最终,他在一块新开发的地段上找到了一家空铺面房,此处客源充足,而且竞争较少。But at long last, he managed to find an empty shop on a new estate where there were plenty of customers but no competition.

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我们的主要产品为所有磁砖,马赛克、铺面砖、人造石、玻璃砖、磁砖胶系统。Our major products are including tiles, mosaics , pavers, engineer stone, artificial stone, glass blocks, adhesive systems.

猎房老总苏堤表示,现在卖铺面已成他们的增长点和生存点。Sir Georg Solti hunting room manager, said sales are now surfacing that they have become the growth point and the point of survival.

虚拟寂静被打破,只有一个强大的余震摇铃已经损坏的建筑物及铺面市中心隆隆。The virtual silence is only broken when a powerful aftershock rattles the already damaged downtown buildings and the pavement rumbles.