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贼人最后被绞死了。The thief was hanged at last.

贼人溜到了帘子后面。The thief slid behind the curtains.

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我被逼要把钱交给贼人。I was forced to give the robbers money.

几个贼人岂是秦琼的对手。Is it a few articles QinQiong opponent.

这贼人终于一命归天。It finally became a life in the bucket.

那贼人说他目中无人,只有黄金。The thief said he saw nobody but the gold.

贼人在他头上施以疼痛的一击。The thief gave him a painful hit on the head.

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那个贼人被迫将他偷的东西归还给物主了。The thief was forced to return what he had stolen to the owner.

单车正中目标,贼人们失去控制,平沙落雁头先着地。The bicycle hit them, they lost control, and crashed to the ground.

显然贼人是从这里大摇大摆出去的。Obviously the thief had simply walked out this way as bold as brass.

贼人大怒,跳出来说,“这种水平读什么书?”The thief is angry, jumps said that, "what book this kind of level does read?"

一个前度贼人试图改过自新,并且向陷害他的人进行报复…A former thief who is trying to go straight seeks vengeance on those who framed him.

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第一份是安装最基本的警报系统建议,用途是当警钟触发后可将贼人吓退及警醒邻居。The first choice is a simple alarm to scare off potential burglars and perhaps alert neighbors.

只用了几秒时间,“溜冰警察”就为这个贼人扣上了手铐。Within seconds, rollerblading officer Stephane Ajuelos has handcuffed a colleague posing as a thief.

立勋凭照片一眼便认出贼人就是刘焱,并在社交网站中得知美贞与刘焱的情侣关系。Made decorated with photos and recognized thief is Liu Yan, and learned that beauty Jane in the social networking sites and Liu Yan relationship.

一天晚上,贼人们出去偷一个收税官的家,小伙子从马厩里挑了最好的骡子,驮了一袋金币溜走了。One night when the thieves had gone out to rob a tax collector, the boy led the best mule out of the stable, loaded it with gold pieces, and fled.

韩晨查出当日在菲律宾对付的两名贼人还没死,并从二姑的死推测出力行与司徒舜是孪生兄弟。Han Chen two find out the same day in the Philippines against thief was not dead, and from aunts death that output line and SiTuShun are twin brothers.

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坤棉遂遵照楚慈所说,蹲下替贼人绑鞋带而避过一劫,并坚信自传所写,他日会成为富豪。In accordance with ChuCi said kun cotton hence for tie shoelaces, ducks became a hook and evaded written and believe autobiography, the better will become rich.

在一个正义社会,单单是这个类似抢劫的犯罪就可使“布什帮”那伙贼人蹲在监狱里烂掉了,这辈子也别想出来。In a just society, that bit of highway robbery alone would have been sufficient to leave Bush and his gang of thieves rotting in jail for the rest of their lives.

原来爱嘉因为未能放下惠珠的死而流落街头,上升努力说服爱嘉回家,却被拒绝,而上升亦因此得悉当年爱嘉小时候被贼人侵犯的悲惨往事。Original love jia by failing to put HuiZhu die on the streets, rise to persuade love jia home, but was refused, and rise so that the love childhood tragic past to be thief.