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练武术有前程吗?A Future In Martial Arts?

迈克,你学过武术吗?。Mike, did you learn martial arts?

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学习武术的基本功。Learn the basics of a martial art.

武术队的丰收日!The Vintage Day of the Wushu team!

我也是我老家和我国家的武术队的人。You are also in the national team?

太极拳是武术的一种形式。Taijiquan is a form of martial arts.

今天,是武术传奇,李连杰。Today is martial arts legend Jet Li.

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外国人称中国武术为功夫。Foreigners call Chinese Wushu Gongfu.

他是这部片子的武术指导。He is the martial arts choreographer.

武术本身的价值很大。The value of Wushu itself is very high.

你学过某些形式的武术。You've learnt some forms of martial arts.

当我还是个孩子的时候,我曾学过武术。I used to study martial arts when I was a kid.

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你对这次武术节怎么看?What do you think of this Wushu Championships?

是学习中国武术理想入门拳法。It is a ideal rudimental form of chinese Wushu.

武术散打力量有不同的分类。There are different sorts of strength of Sanda.

他可能学过一些中国武术。He may have had some training in Chinese Gongfu.

中国武术在好莱坞已有立足之地。Chinese martial art comes together with Hollywood.

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它是关于一种叫形意拳的武术样式的。It was on a martial arts style called xingyi quan.

武术套路、少林拳术之一。One of martial arts repertoire and Shaolin boxing.

孙膑拳武术拳种之一。亦名子孙丹。A kind of martial art boxing, also called Zisundan.