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停止嘘声!Stop hushing.

停止抱怨。Stop whining.

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停止记录。Stop recording.

这必须停止。That must stop.

停止你的诡辩!Stop your sophism!

眼泪停止了。The tears stopped.

他于1990年候停止打嗝。He stopped in 1990.

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停止同时多任务的方式。Stop multi-tasking.

我希望痛苦能停止。I wish it would stop.

请停止讲话。Please estop talking.

停止媒体歪曲!Stop Media Distoring!

停止拖延。Stop procrastinating.

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我们要停止这些。We have to stop that.

停止恐吓自己。Stop scaring yourself.

他们停止前进吃了顿午饭。They halted for lunch.

你们可以停止微笑了。You can stop smiling.

您可能会停止提问。You might stop asking.

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阿里克斯让他们停止。Alex told them to stop.

我们目下现古停止干活吧。Let's stop working now.

停止无谓的努力。Stop unfruitful effort.