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我们要么成为一支团队携手并肩团结奋战,要么一个个任人宰割的个体。And, either we heal, now, as a team, or we will die as individuals.

他说,两个国家都热爱自由,两国将携手并肩打击恐怖主义。He said both countries love freedom and together they will fight against terrorism.

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布什说两个国家都热爱自由,两国将携手并肩打击恐怖主义。Bush said both countries love freedom and together they will fight against terrorism.

公司在此衷心的感谢各位的支持,让我们携手并肩一起成长,共创美好明天!We thank you sincerely for your support, and hope we create the refulgent future together!

我们竭诚欢迎新老客户长期合作,携手并肩共创美好未来!We welcome new and old customers to long-term cooperation, hand in hand for a better future!

感谢你们的支持和帮助,让我们同心协力,携手并肩,开创美好未来。Thank you for your support and help, let us work together, shoulder to shoulder to create a bright future.

让我们同心同德,携手并肩,规划和建设世界经济更加美好的明天!Let us unite as one and work side by side to plan for and build an even better future for the world economy.

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让我们携手并肩,你中有我,我中有你,为低碳行百里路,共同实现地球对梦想的追逐!You have me, and I have you . For carrying out the low-carbon, we are on the way, towards the beautiful dream!

让我们携手并肩,共同努力,开创中巴关系更加美好的未来!Let us stand shoulder to shoulder and work hand-in-hand to open up an even brighter future of China-Pakistan relations.

那样的话,她也许会同安妮·哈钦逊携手并肩,作为一个教派的创始人,名标青史。Then, she might have come down to us in history, hand in hand with Ann Hutchinson, as the foundress of a religious sect.

我们愿与世界各国携手并肩,维护更加持久的和平,建设更加繁荣的世界。China is willing to work hand in hand with all other countries to sustain enduring peace and build a more prosperous world.

董事长苏荣俊愿结中外有识之士携手并肩,共同发展!Mr. Su Rong-jun, Chairman of Yongjin Group, would like to welcome all friends from home and abroad to develop Yongjin together!

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天凯希望能得到众多顾客的支持与厚爱,与我们真诚携手并肩,共铸美好的明天!TinHoi hopes to receive the supports and concerns from the customers and to co-work with us to make our mutual better tomorrow.

哪里有需要帮助的人,哪里就有帮助他们的人——男女人道主义工作者携手并肩,为人们减轻痛苦,带来希望。And wherever there are people in need, there are people who help them –men and women coming together to ease suffering and bring hope.

让我们拿出百倍的勇气和智慧,携手并肩,团结向前,共同推动世界全面发展,共同开创人类美好明天!Let us show greater courage and wisdom and work hand-in-hand for the all-round development of the world and a better future for mankind.

我们双方应该抓住机遇,携手并肩,共同推动中拉友好合作不断取得新的进展。We both sides should seize opportunities and work together to drive the China-Latin America friendly cooperation to increasingly new levels.

我们渴望与您建立真诚的情谊,携手并肩在知识与智慧、精神与文明的海洋里遨游奋进!We aspire to establish sincere friendship with you, side by side with the knowledge and wisdom, spirit and civilization Ocean Lane roam ahead!

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我们愿与朝鲜同志一道,携手并肩,继往开来,为中朝友好合作关系下一个更加美好的60年而不懈努力。We would like to work hand in hand with our DPRK comrades for an even better next sixty years of China-DPRK friendly and cooperative relations.

我们立志与社会各界同心协力携手并肩,为中国涂料事业的辉煌发展建功立勋。We determined to work together hand in hand with the community side by side, the Chinese paint the glorious cause of development Jiangong Li Xun.

公司愿继续与所有新老客户携手并肩拼搏发展!共创橡塑行业美好明天!The company wishes to continue striving and developing with all old and new customers side by side! Create rubber and plastic trade bright tomorrow!